Right, so just after I decided to take a little break from anything involving deadlines,
this shows up. And I'm tempted, yet conflicted. Fun or stressful? Is it a good opportunity to write the AU of Epic Proportions Which I Already Started Ages Ago? Would anyone care to read it? Or should I just stay away, considering I haven't read or reviewed any AD/GG fics in ages? (Nor written any, though that's beside the point.)
Are any of you guys planning on signing up? *eyes Grindeldore flisties expectantly*
Also, there is
springtime_gen which was great fun last year. The number of participants seems to be smaller this time, which is a bit sad considering it's a great exchange, but which actually makes me more inclined to sign up. (Fewer participants = fewer fics to read = a less overwhelming experience for poor old Miss M.) The stories aren't due until April, which is also good. I've been stalking the sign-ups, so I know at least a few familiar names are up for it... Any others considering? (I do love it when half the flist are moaning about the same deadlines.)
Finally, a rec:
Secrets by
aggiebell90 (Petunia/Vernon)
I read this first about a year ago, but it's a story that's stayed with me due to its excellent characterisation of Petunia. Her relationship with Vernon is very believably drawn, too. An enjoyable and thought-provoking read.