I'm currently in the process of collecting my recs for tomorrow's post at
fangirl_tour. It's difficult -- not only because I have to choose thirteen pieces and I'm just bound to forget something that ought to be among them, but because I often have a hard time explaining why I like something. (This goes for commenting, too.) I guess I just have to remember that an imperfect rec is better than none...
... which is a sentiment I hope the author of
The Thermodynamics of the Moka Pot agrees with, because I couldn't not rec this fic: captivating, well-written, and thoughtful, it's a story about a Minerva McGonagall who's torn between the two women she loves, Rolanda Hooch and Amelia Bones. The characters are well-rounded and three-dimensional, captured in their wonderfully human imperfection, with all their strengths and weaknesses intact.
Speaking of stories about older women, I suspect one or two of you might enjoy today's A Room With a View
crack_van fic rec. :-)