Inspiration meme

Jun 04, 2009 16:05

I was tagged by kellychambliss  to do this meme:

Name five fics or art that you’ve written and tell us what first inspired it, whether it was a visual image, a song, a prompt or something else entirely.

Thinking about this, it occurred to me that the process of writing often starts with some sort of sentence or line or phrase -- I suddenly think of a line which I like and which I think says something about character X and/or an important moment in X's life, and then the story just sort of weaves itself around this/these line(s) -- even if I modify or even rewrite them later.*

It's a little difficult to explain, so perhaps I should just do the meme with some fics that started this way:

1) The Importance of Pets and Paintings (HP, Snape/Luna)

Although it was originally written for a prompt (Snape owns a small Potions shop, but finds himself forced to let a room due to economic restraints; Luna is his only remotely acceptable tenant), what sparked the story was this line: he found himself desperately wanting to take fifty points from Ravenclaw.

2) Illusions (Earthsea, Jasper/Ged)

Started -- and ended -- with this: One of these days, he should teach the little sparrowhawk how to fly. Because to me, that says very much about Jasper's sexiness character.

3) Breaking the Chains (HP, Fenrir Greyback)

The whole story came from this line (and the idea behind it): "His father should have learned a lesson by now."

4) No Man (Tipping the Velvet, Diana Lethaby)

Basically, this exchange between Diana and her (canonically unnamed husband) was behind it all:

"You are very charming, Mr Lethaby," she told him, the usual elegant ice-smile on her lips. "But alas, I tend to be less than receptive to the charms of men."

But where other men might have taken her words as a challenge (or perhaps, an endearing protestation of chastity), his mouth simply curved into an understanding smile -- and this was the reason, she later reflected, why she did agree to marry him.

Of course, I rewrote that paragraph a few times, but it was the starting point.

5) First Meeting (HP, Neville/Cho)

He waited for her to show some sign of discomfort, or pity. Instead, she just curtsied -- and this gesture, short and simple, made Neville love her so much it was almost painful.

Especially the painful part. Because love is painful. *g*

I'm supposed to tag two people, so... redsnake05  and vegablack62 , you're hereby challenged. (But only if you feel like it, of course.)

* Of course, such phrases/lines are always followed by a more general sense of plot, mood, etc., meaning that it's difficult to say exactly what came first.

harry potter, tipping the velvet, meme, writing, earthsea

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