Title: Alliances
Pairing: Edmund/Caspian
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I owe it all to CSL.
Notes: Written for the prompt 'Heart', made in
this post.
“And,” Edmund said as he took a sip of his wine, “you will have to consider what alliances will be most useful to you. That said, if your heart’s not in it -”
Caspian smiled. “Weren’t we discussing warfare against giants and trolls?”
Edmund shrugged. “Related subjects.”
That earned him a laugh. He went on, forcing himself to stay serious, “As I said, your heart should be in it as well. If not, then -”
“I believe my heart has been given away already,” said Caspian quietly, just loudly enough for him to hear it, and Edmund fell silent, blushing.