Ash Wednesday - Day One

Feb 22, 2012 19:25

Day one

Ash Wednesday

Is it possible to completely forget that you're doing something even when you're doing something? I managed to forget that I wasn't supposed to eat meat today and had roast beef sandwiches out of the cabinet at morning tea. Didn't even think about it until mum came in on her lunch break and mentioned that I'd have to pick something other then my usual sausage roll. Woops.

OK, you're not here to read about my very shocking short term memory (though most of you already know about it) you're here to laugh at me as I go into withdrawal from lack of fanfic.And thus I give you the chance in my lovely Live Journal (which I never use).

My reasons for giving it up this Lent are as follows:

  1. For lent we're meant to try and give up something that means something, when you're a kid that means lollies or doing something that you usually do, in the old days it used to be a fasting through out all of lent, and then no meat at all. So I had to reach that level of significance.

  2. The past few years I haven't given up anything at all, I've completely ignored the spirit of Lent except for going to Mass when I'm back in Thames and this year I really want to try doing it right.

  3. I really am addicted to fan fiction. I know that it's nothing like drugs or drinking, but I really shouldn't be spending as much time on the internet as I do, and considering that the majority of my time on the internet is reading fanfic then that where I need to cut away.

So, The forty days of Lent begin today and as my FB post said, I immediately had the best Dresden Files AU plot pop into my head. And I can't write it down. Because that would be cheating. Because while writing is a good skill, I can't justify allowing myself to write fanfic if I can't read it. Because again that would be cheating. Which is annoying.

So my plan to occupy myself this evening, when I would usually be reading fanfic is to start packing up my belongings so I can move to Auckland.

I have a single slat bed that I have to break down to it's component atoms so that my lovely brother can fit it on his roof rack and that it can come up with me. He has , unfortunately, taken the electric drill with him, so I need to find another somewhere...

On that note, if anyone wants a flatmate, think of me! I am moving in with my brother at the moment but it turns out that his flat mate isn't too pleased with that and I don't really want to antagonise her, so I don't really want to move in. I'm mostly clean and tidy and I can cook really well! I also have the money to pay rent but I though that'd go without saying.

Signing off with only 39 days to go.

Hilary, AKA Miss Morange

plot bunny, misc, livejournal, lent, fic, real life

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