Title: Alternate Avenues of Investigation 3/?
Fandom: (Criminal Minds/ Supernatural)
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Pre-Foyet for Criminal Minds, after the boys have met Hendrickson and racked up a death toll.
Summary: When a good friend of the brothers goes missing there is only one place they can go for help.
his old team, the BAU.
Disclaimer: As usual I own nothing, though I pay through the nose for internet access
Earlier Parts:
2 "Hotch!" Garcia bustled down the hallway of the BAU to where the team had settled themselves in the conference room.
"You just missed him; he's gone to start on Winchester. Why?" Rossi asked with no little curiosity, the rest of the team's attention now on the colourful lady.
"I genius of unparalleled standard that I am," she paused. "Though a different kind of genius then you Reid." she qualified. "Have identified the three other photos. You may all bow and worship."
Prentiss snorted, "We’ll leave that to Morgan. Who were they?"
Garcia pulled the photos up on the projector. "Photo number one is Cathy Flynn. Real Estate agent from North Virginia. Mom of 2 kids, husband reported her missing two weeks ago. No leads in her case." you could see the brunettes smiling face, taken candidly as if from far. "Photo two is Michael Blake. Freelance photographer." the young man looked to be in his early twenties and this photo was taken across a road, the cars clear in-between the camera and the object of its focus. "He was meant to turn in an assignment to his boss but didn't. Boss called the police after Blake didn't answer his phone for a day." The third photo was next. “And now we have Jessica Adams, student at Georgetown studying 17th century English Literature. Was out at a club with friends, disappeared after going to the restrooms last week." the young woman was all glamed up. Obviously the night that she went missing.
Garcia fell silent as Gideon's picture popped up. No one commented at how intensely Reid stared at it. Gideon looked relaxed; the differences between when he was working with them visible in the relaxed eyes and posture, things profilers are trained to read instantly.
"Are we thinking that Winchester kidnapped them?" JJ wondered aloud. "He and his brother, while they've done worse, don't seem the type to walk in and give themselves away."
“Unless this is all just a ploy?” Prentiss countered.
Reid nodded. “They’ve done it before. Hendrickson believes the only reason they were caught in Wisconsin was so they could get into Green River County.”
"They were all successful." Rossi thought aloud. "Adams was a straight a student, Flynn made thousands of dollars on commissions and managed to keep a family. Even Blake was a well paid freelancer, doing work for anything up to National Geographic.
"All taken very quickly, noticed missing within a few hours, or in the case of Adams within half and hour." Prentiss added.
The rattle of Garcia's keys added more information. "All geographically spread out, ranging from Baltimore and heading this way. But we don’t know where Gideon lives to know whether he was part of the pattern or if he stumbled onto it and was taken so we didn't hear about it."
Garcia had never tried to trace Gideon, he wanted his privacy and she was hurt when he left. Now she was regretting that she never tried to keep track of him. The uncertainty was killing her and not knowing how this was all connected was irritating her.
"We need what ever it is that Winchester knows; we're just working from supposition." Prentiss grumbled.
He doesn’t look like much, Morgan thought as he stared through the glass into Winchester's interrogation room. Just another of the many weirdoes and freaks that their team dealt with every year. Winchester was still, except for a twitch in his hand s every so often, as if he needed something to hold. The man had been carefully searched when he entered the building and according to the searchers went along with every instruction given. Not the mark of a man with something to hide.
Morgan's specialty was obsessional crimes, what the Winchesters crimes fitted into but Morgan wasn't seeing the edge that they all seemed to have. There was something that he was missing in this situation
Hotch poked his head into the small room. "Turn the system on. We don't need any question of what happened later on."
Morgan nodded and Hotch left.
Hotch barely had the door open before he began to speak. "And what is it that you want from my team and I, Mr Winchester?" he didn't feel the need to beat around the bush for information.
"The thing about being on the run, when you truly do need the help from the authorities. You’re kind of screwed." dean replied with a small grin.
Dean looked at the Fed sitting across the small interrogation table with uncharacteristic seriousness. He knew this man from Jason's stories, knew that he was one of the good guys (Jason tended to wax poetically when he was drunk). So after instigating a short staring contest he answered the question with his own.
“Do you mind if I tell a little story Agent Hotchner?”
Hotch gave him a glare. “I mind if you waste my time. “
Dean sobered. “I agree time is something we can’t waste in this situation.”
“And what situation is that?” Hotch asked hoping to get some answers. Dean’s face was grim.
“You obviously looked at the pictures I had with me?” Hotch gave a short nod. "We’ll start the story the traditional way. Once upon a time.” Hotch gave Dean a dirty look. “There was a man who enjoyed his job. He was good at it, he could see things that others missed and understood the shit that people could sink to. One day, after a case that piled on to the worst and ended with a dear friend dead. He took off, looking to find something better. But he didn't. He found the things that hide in the dark are just as dangerous as people, sometimes more so.”
“You’re talking about Gideon.”
Dean nodded. “Kidnapped the day before yesterday by the same person who took the others, or at least that’s what we figured when Jason didn't meet up with us as planned.”
“And you think because it’s Gideon that my team and I will just overlook the fact and you and your brother are also serial killers and that this may all be a trap?”
Dean huffed. “You don’t trust Gideon to be my character reference?”
“There’s been no proof you even know Gideon yet, your brother may have him and this is an elaborate scheme to get information, like you did at Green River." Hotch remembered that little nugget from the file. Not many people get put into prison for what seems like no reason just to break out again.
“Jason bought the other three to our attention. When we were meant to meet him to discuss it he didn’t show."
Whatever else Hotch was about to say was cut off by a knock on the glass behind his head. He stood up, leaving Dean alone in the small room.
"For god's sake, let me help goddamn it!" Dean shouted.