Dec 23, 2006 16:29 no particular order. These are also subject to change from moment to moment, depending on what is most embarassing/glaringly obvious/remembered from hazy drunken nights over time. Have fun. Laugh. Giggle. Shiver. Squee. Because then its your turn.
1. Trying coke for the first time. I know I have an addictive personality. What the fuck was I thinking? Several thousands of dollars, trips to Mexico, and many nosebleeds later, it took the death of a friend and the worst night of my life to get me to quit. Yurgh...
2. Dating one of my best friends. What can I say? He was my last shot at attempting to be heterosexual. I think he takes a little pride in that. ::snicker::
3. Going to UIW. I didn't want to be in school. I didn't want to be at that school. After nearly $30,000 in student loans, I still don't have a degree. I'm finally going back to school next semester. At UTSA. Sorry, DUB. Just wasn't meant to be. We'll always have the memories, but much like my heterosexuality, my lack of Catholicism and interest in, well, anything but marijuana (at the time) had to come out.
4. Dating that guy at work. Never, never, NEVER again. Never dating anyone I work with again, never dating a guy again. Especially not that guy.
5. Sleeping with Ken, the gay guy. We were DRUNK. I still shiver with shame at that one. So does he.
6. Two words: King Arthur. Chris, I blame you for that bullshit. THANKS. I'd like that hour of my life back, please.
7. This one's a maybe, but I'm feeling pressured by the current weather situation (rain, pouring rain, flash-flood warnings, Noah's ark... okay, I'm exaggerating). I have to VIA home today. Icky. I never got my driver's license. I'm 23, and I'm not licensed to drive.
8. Working at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. That was the worst job EVER. The only good thing about that job was that every job after it has been better. Even working at Whataburger was better. No 110 degree heat, $2.50 more an hour, and a lot less vomit to clean up. The restaurant I worked in was right in front of the Superman roller coaster. Yeah.
9. Joining myspace.
10. Not moving out of my parents' house sooner. I'm so much happier.
Your turn. What are the top ten stupidest things you've ever done?