That's how we laugh the day away in the merry ole' land of Oz.."

Sep 12, 2007 00:48

Hellllo My Loves!

Sadly, I haven't been on here in a couple of weeks. It's so hard with my show and work, to keep up on the posts. I try my Helenest. It's just that this show is taking a lot out of me.....I can't even begin to explain it. I feel like some of the other main cast members are into it and some aren' all!

I have tried to read everyone's posts....I know I haven't commented, but still want to know how things are. I love to read all of these!

So, I know that I have said that Dixie was nominated for an Emmy! I cannot get started on this subject. She is like a mamma to me and Stace, AND we know the year she has these results are making us SOOOOOO UPSET!!!

I know I have missed out on tooooo much with everyone! I can't wait to catch up and see how everyone is doing! Seriously, this play is sooooo keeping me busy!

meadowlark_85......I LOVE YOU! Thank you for being there and for being you!

Since I have spread some Dixie love, I NEED to post some Helen love. Otherwise, my post would be quite irregular.


My LOVE to everyone!

One of the BEST Helen pictures EVER! Seriously.....nada compares!

And these DO NOT GET A CUT!

They are too much perfection!


I miss ya all!

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