I most certainly did not make peace with Granger! We simply acknowledged that we had a few things in common, one of which was our continued mutual hatred. And you have nothing what so ever to be worried about, least of all from Granger. I know you doubt my taste after Ron, but I hope you do not think I have sunk so low as that.
I am glad that you do not want a geisha. I wish I could blame my insecurities entirely on the drugs.
Yes, I know there will be punishment. Punishment I deserve, even if we do not agree on which of my foolish acts are punishable offenses.
Draco is doing well, as is Bill. I am so glad that Draco has found someone he cares for at last. Someone who cares deeply enough to weather this storm.
Blaise... Blaise has disappeared into his stacks of books again. I promised to drag him out, and then became to wrapped up in my own woe. Well, that is easily redeemed.
I love you my dearest, and miss you with all my heart. I hope that you are finished with your nasty Japanese men soon, and return home to me.
I most certainly did not make peace with Granger! We simply acknowledged that we had a few things in common, one of which was our continued mutual hatred. And you have nothing what so ever to be worried about, least of all from Granger. I know you doubt my taste after Ron, but I hope you do not think I have sunk so low as that.
I am glad that you do not want a geisha. I wish I could blame my insecurities entirely on the drugs.
Yes, I know there will be punishment. Punishment I deserve, even if we do not agree on which of my foolish acts are punishable offenses.
Draco is doing well, as is Bill. I am so glad that Draco has found someone he cares for at last. Someone who cares deeply enough to weather this storm.
Blaise... Blaise has disappeared into his stacks of books again. I promised to drag him out, and then became to wrapped up in my own woe. Well, that is easily redeemed.
I love you my dearest, and miss you with all my heart. I hope that you are finished with your nasty Japanese men soon, and return home to me.
your Pansy
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