My friend just sent me this picture and I'm like "wtf is that?" and he's all "OMG, MIAKO, don't be stupid".... so... anyhow, I got it after 2 minutes of "THIS IS FUCKING STUPID I DON'T KNOW." pondering. So, I'm curious... am I dumb for not getting it right off the bat? Oh Gawd... the more I look at it, I probably am???
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LOL ~ I feel BAD for talking in that girls post so much without saying anything about the original topic. XD I'm a horrible person. ^^; That's great that you are going to formally study Japanese! It's good to have those along with self study~ And yay! (or ... sometimes nay) for college! I'm going to enroll next semester hopefully~ if not, then defintely the semester after that. Even tho, I already went to college it seems like there's still so much I want to learn. And since I can now use my husband's military educational benefits there's no time like the present. :)
Hmm, lately? Geez, you know outside of the manga I can't think of anything VK I've gotten. You know what I want! Those cutlery sets... I don't have those :( Wants so so so much. I'm also going to get a commission from Sagakure soon ~ AND I'm writing a ZeroxKaname ficlet for self enjoyment. XD VK has been so on goodies. :( BUT BUT BUT! I haven't talked to you since the VK anime got licensed I'm really excited! I know I already own the dvds... but, if the English boxsets come with spiffy stuff and since they will most likely have sub and dub episodes on them~ I'll probably end up owning the English set. ^^;
Aw... don't worry, she didn't mind but it is a good idea to bring our chat here. We'll spam your lj instead. XD
The Japanese studying so far is cool. We have interview (one one one with the sensei) where you talk straight Japanese for 5 minutes. For some reason, I aced it... maybe because my teacher knew about manga (AND VK) so we chat about that. XD It felt weird though because she WAS Japanese and I can't believe I felt comfortable chatting with her IN Japanese. XD Are you taking a program or just going open studies to take a few courses? I kind of stopped for a year so I actually loved being back to school but OH THE STRESS!! >_<
I haven't gotten a lot myself... I just bought the Japanese version tankoubons (vol1-10) then bought that special paper that came with Volume 10. The one where the three were out for a drink scenario. Zero was just so gorgeous with that laid back smile on his face. X3 And then I got the VK DS game guide too. And bought the latest English volume of Viz VK, volume 7.
Show me the commission you got when it's done. Did you get a character or pair drawn? =) KanaYuki? <3
I was writing a fanfic in as well... I mean a ZeKi one but it got held back because of school stuff. I bet my readers (the few I have ^^;) are already wondering what happened with me...
And about that last bit of info...
OMGS@(*&$*HS@GJ@*@&*#!!!!! O______O WHERE WAS I WHEN THAT HAPPEN?!? *ashamed* I claim to be an avid fan and I missed such important news! Do you have any update on when Viz will release the vids? I AM SO BUYING!!! *_* Did you get all the Japanese videos like you wanted? =) I'm so proud to have the whole limited edition sets. (Sad thing though, you can't fit one DVD in the case if you got the limited edition one. The special disc for Guilty DVD 5 had to stay out of the set box =(.
The cutlery sets are good for collections but I probably won't get it... I never got any anime/manga stuff used in the kitchen or for dining...
By the way, I'll also take this chance already to wish you advanced happy birthday!!! Any plans already? =)
Ah~ yes, I buy the tankoubons too. :) Aww, I want the special paper! That was such a cute picture. I'm actually behind on the VIZ editions... lol, I need 6 and 7.
I'm mostly self taught. But, when I get back into school I think I'll take some courses in Japanese for sure. :) I have quite a few friends who help me study/chat with me in Japanese so I don't forget what I do know and I'm also part of a Japanese Culture meet up in my city. Plus, I have a SharedTalk account so I can talk to people online to help me keep up w/ what I know and help others with English. I opened a lang-8 account ... however, I don't actually use it. XD I'm so lazy when it comes to writing I swear. I've been a bit lazy with keeping up w/ my online friends too ^^;
I'm excited that you are writing something too! I NEVER share any of my fics... I'm just shy like that. I've never put them up on or anything even tho I have an account, lol. I might start... hmm, I dunno. But, I plan to share my mini ficlet w/ a few people... it's like... my yaoi debut. XD
I haven't requested the commission yet~ I just know I will be requesting it this week. I think I'm going to request something that is drawn off a scene from my drabble. I'm not sure yet. So it's probably going to be Zero x Kaname related. =3 If I ever finish it.. I wanted to be done with it today, but I got uber busy and had to put it off. :(
OMG WTF HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW!!! Nah, lol, I'm kidding~ they just announced it at Comic Con so you're only maybe 3 weeks behind in the VK news world. :) It's been announced to start releasing next year, but~ no month was given yet. YES! I did end up buying all of them~ much to my wallets enjoyment /sarcasm.
I LOVE kitchen/dining stuff~~~ (teacups, teacups <3333 ) Eventually I'm sure I'll try to hunt down the cutlery sets, so cute, so cute. I love stuff like that so much. I need to get the Hetalia spoons too. XD
THANK YOU! We are going to see Ponyo which comes out in theaters the day after my birthday~ which is fine, because my birthday is on a workday anyhow.
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