Tiki-Con Sunday

Jul 17, 2009 22:42

 Where was i?.....

 Oh yeah so ive covered Friday and Saturday..now for the last day of the con.
We had a late night previous so we had a long lie, no rush to get up it was a 2 min walk to the con.We had a plan that if we went to breakfast we may see some people..so yes we headed to breakfast for about 9:45am.Did'nt see anyone...but did have a yummy breakfast.I had lucky charms,pancakes,waffles and fruit....Yum Yum
We finished breakfast and headed upstairs to get ready.
We had originally bought only 1 photo for Michael on the sunday..but us being nuts we decided to have another, this one we could have each other in it.So we headed to the con and spoke with the crew - i got there names..Yaaay.

Chris-Will-Bj-Barbie-Me-AngyWe told them about buying another photo..fine with them.Angy also wanted to swap her Helen Slater photo op for a Michael and get a candid later on with Helen.
We chatted with the crew for a while-they were soo nice.Anytime we saw them they would instantly start a conversation.

As it was still pretty early, not all the guests had arrived..we were able to chill a bit until they did arrive.
As i believe we walked up to Daniel's area , he was along from Michael.We grabbed hands-high fived-fist bumped..whatever you want to call it, all i know is that he was playing with my hands for a while..!!!
We got chatting to him about the previous night and what he got upto..he got really drunk..Typical!! He was a bit mad that we didnt join him but he went to another bar to which i told him "You suck"..in a fun way..which led him to laugh and mock me.He's such a fun loving guy..quite sarcastic..some may take offense to that,but seriously he's harmless!After about 10mins..we decide to ask him if he would be up for an interview..he said yeah.I dont know that much about him or the Star Wars fandom..but i felt comfortable enoughhaving a fun chat with him.We told himthat we had interviewed Sam and Helen and would hopefully be interviewing Michael..so we were quite happy when Daniel agreed.
I didn notice that whilst Michael had a few fans at his table..he was looking at myself and Angy talking to Daniel..it's not as if he couldnt hear us,plus Daniel was listening to music on his iphone with Lilah..he's a riot that guy.
I turned to walk away and said to Daniel "We will be back for you later.." when Michael catches my eye and looks at me with a peace sign..i remind him that i will see him later too and he replies "Sure thing, ill see you later"..I wouldnt say Michael is an attention seeker but to be honest he was trying to get my attention whilst i was talking to Daniel..he had a few fans he should have been paying attention too..not making peace signs to me..But im not complaning ..just saying!!Im happy!

At some point we headed out and got some snacks and headed back to the hotel, the Smallville panel wasnt until 1PM, so we had some time to hang out.We spoke with random people, security guards,police, vendors..who all seemed to be called Michael-Mike..strange .
We headed down for the panel and chose our seats..we sat to the right of the stage.. hoping Michael would sit at our end..and yes he did!!Helen and Sam arrived first..then walks in sex on legs.All professionalisim is almost gone.
To watch the panel check out my previous post..Angy has her own videos..that will prob get uploaded too.
Whilst Angy was filming i was snapping pictures..whilst dying with laughter..as you will see in the video, Sam and Michael are really funny together.
Some pics from the panel :

The panel ran for about an hour, both myself and Angy got to ask a question..and get a reaction out of Michael.Most questions asked have been asked and answered a gazillion times..but hey it's up to them to ask.
In Angys video im sure i caught the moment when after the panel Sam and Michael hug..yes some man love going on.Wait and see in the vids..it isnt shown on the full length..so maybe we have an exclusive??
After the panel the guys stood and chatted for a couple of minutes..then headed back to there auto tables.
I began to head out towards one of the exits that would lead you to Michaels table..when i hear him with his accent..AGAIN! He had seen me and put on his accent.. so i turn to see him 5ft behind me i aimed for a high five, and got a fist bump and a grab on the shoulder...This guy cant help but touch people..i love it.
Next up was photo ops ...we for some reason went upto the hotel..??then headed down about 230pm..photos started at 2:15pm i think.But anyhoo we got there and Bj joked that we were late..pfft are you kidding me..he would have waited for us!
 We had to plan our joint poses..again we were last to go..didnt have to wait long, Angy was first up and had her first one taken..but it was a bit blurry so they had to retake, i moved into the room and was greeted by Lilah,we chatted exchange how we were doing..at some point Michael put on his accent except it wasnt Scottish, more English so i asked "What accent was that??"..he quickly corrected himself..a lady in the room said "Wow, Your from Scotland??"...blah blah blah.
Angy had struck another pose for the photo when some confusion arose about who was getting what done.In amongst i believe Angy explained to Michael that we were getting 2 each one alone and one together..So Michael understands this and says "You get over here and i'll slap your ass"..*What did he just say??*..so i bounce on over..hoping for a slapping..hahaa!
So i say "what we doing..?" Michael suggests all facing sideways..Angy in front of him and me behind him..HELL YES!! I had originally placed my hands on his hips..when he told me to put my hand on his shoulder..i was in a daze when he grabbed my hand and said "Your right hand on my right shoulder"..but in a slow voice mocking me like i was stupid in a funny way when in place he says "There you go"..so im instructed to move in a bit to fit us all in..so i do what i thought was best,i place my head on Michael's shoulder/back...OH MY GOD.I was in heaven..trying not to drool on his lovely shirt.
So we have me behind Michael with one hand on his hip, the other on his shoulder and my head on his back...HAPPY TIMES!
The crew said it was a nice shot..but Angy wasnt soo happy so we had another go..This time it was a casual pic, arms over the two of us...I could soo get used to that!Turned out a nice pic..apart from Angys head getting chopped a bit.Hmmm!
So that is Angys double shot taken..now mine..he places Angy to his left..and grabs me and places me infront of him on his right side ..again a nice picture.
Final shot..me and him..i ask again as the day before "What you wanna do?" whilst playfully pulling his shirt..he looks at me then the crew who are saying "Yeah yeah do that"..so he says "Yeah we can do one where it looks like your dressing me..?" i correct him and say "More like undressing you .." hysterics from everyone including him.
I was gripping his shirt ,if your gona be bold at least follow through..make it look good!
I began to walk over to the crew to see the picture when Michael quietly says "Your cute" my reaction was to turn to him and confirm this "Your damm right im cute" "Damm Right" he agrees!
We check the pics..all are happy, but at the same time sad that this would be the last photo op..
We thank Michael and remind him of a possible interview - he agrees and tells us to come back at 3-4pm.
We all head out of the room when i see Bj, one of the crew who ive always thought loked like James Gunn..so i mention this to Michael as he leaves..he agrees there is a resemblence.He begins to sign the banners for the crew..and we all say bye bye to him.
Because there was a few pictures taken we stayed behind and confirmed which ones were to get printed..and then got the others emailed to us.
We then chatted and got our picture taken with the crew..seen above.We said bye to them and we'd see them later picking up the pictures.
It's about 245pm..the con was quiet ..so we wandered about.Before we knew it it was after 330pm.We met Froggy who was saying he was heading to the bar with Daniel in an hour or so,and we should join them, sounds good to me.
I bumped into the police man we had been chatting to earlier and he was talking to Ray..so Ray saw me and started chatting to me telling me he was heading for the airport..The police man was chatting with Ray and asked me to take a picture on his phone..after about the 3rd try i got it,Ray said bye to me hugs and kisses included .I then realised how big he was..and expressed this opin,i told him to come to the cons in Glasgow..he told me hed look into it..so we will see.Angy realised that Michael was also leaving..Panic!! we hadnt done the interview!!
Somehow in the commotion we were in the elevator having an interview..it wasnt ideal as there were others there...but none the less.
I got out of the elevator first and walked ahead..Ray and some crew walked bye - saying bye to me, i could hear Angy and Michael saying bye too..when i hear "Paula..I gotta go, time to leave", so i turn around to see him with his hands full trying to hug me..i oblige and hugg him, thank him and wish him a safe journey hom.I also hug Lilah,tell her it was nice to meet her etc.
And before you know it..he's gone.
But im on a total high..he remembers my freakin' name!!!
We went upstairs and somehow wandered over to Michaels now empty table,we were chatting with Daniel,being silly as ever.Not only did i yoink another sharpie..Yup Michael's pen.We also noticed he had doodled all over the table...

We were a bit bummed about not getting a proper interview and find Froggy who sees Angy is a bit upset..we chat with the cutest family ever!!
Over to my right i see Daniel taking pics and chatting with some fans,when he is done he comes over to me..all hugs,handsy whatever..it's our way of greeting each other.*yay*
I ask him if he is leaving too, he isnt at that moment but will see us in the bar with Froggy.Seconds later he is running around chasing-being chased by kids..Daniel seems happy to be running around like a lunatic, i pretend to try trip him up..but he's too smart for that haha!
Myself and Angy decide to go thank Sam and Helen for the interview etc.When we get to there table - Helen has already left..and Sam is having a conversation with some fans..we wait until he is done.I spot a sharpie sitting on Helen's table..so i yoink it..im a freak what can i say.When Sam is done, we thank him and say goodbye..his hands are big and sweaty..Yummy!!
Some time has passed since our photo ops..and we decide to see if they are ready,we head on in to the dealers room and see Chris who is standing with photos in his hands..i try to peak when he tells me that Edward John Olmos is in the bathroom and he is just holding them for him..then he walks out..Im a huge BSG fan, sadly i didnt have the money to buy an auto or picture with him, i felt kind bad for not buying anything so i didnt go up and speak to him at his table..but now i was about to meet him.He came out and i introduced myself,he said it was nice to meet me and shook my hand..i was thrilled...even such a small thing had me all giddy!
So we continue to head to the photo table,the pictures werent ready yet..but wouldnt be long so we hung about chatting with the creew,Adele,Chase and the kids.They were going to leave after we got our pics back..they had a drive to Florida to make - rather them than me!

So really i bought 2 for sunday and got 4....!!! Woohoo!
After we got our pictures back our favourite family left to hit the road for there extremely long ride home.

Myself and Angy headed back up to the hotel..i decided to lay down for a bit..at somepoint Angy went down to use the internet and saw that Froggy and Daniel were in the bar..she came back upstairs and told me that Daniel was asking "Where's your companion?"..how could i refuse him my presence??So i joined them downstairs..i litterally had just woke up.I remember in the elevator a woman commented on my hair..and i said that i was a bit sleepy as id just woken up with that she replied "It sure doent look like you just woke up"..wow!
So i get to the hotel bar and find Froggy Daniel John and Kristie all sitting together, as i walk towards them i realise that Edward John Olmos, Erin Grey and Sam Witwer are sitting together at the bar..Cool!!They all had there luggage so im assuming they were heading to the airport.

I had earlier on said to Froggy that i didnt have any cash but did have my dad's credit card but without the pin.He said it wouldnt be a problem..that when i used it i just sign my name.I was confirming this with Daniel before going to the bar to try it out!..In the time i went to the bar , ordered my drinks,got them then got back to our table Angy was in talks with Froggy about getting married!
I have no idea what happened in those 4 minutes i was away.
I blame Daniel..but it soon became apparent that Angy was up for it and Froggy was well chuffed with the idea.So we all sat and planned it out..making sure we had it all covered when it came to getting Angy her Green Card, hell John even suggested taking a picture with the s=date on it to prove they had met more than 1!!
Hysterical times ensued..myself and Daniel were trying to sort out details,whilst John was trying to get Froggy to show his ass???I have no idea!..This turned the conversation to Daniel'ass,this guy is fit,and knows it.Si if he isnt trying to get naked he's getting you to grab his ass. I had a good grobe of his ass, firm!Angy found this hillarious,she couldnt believe i was being soo candid with him..it was really all his fault!

After a while i saw Sam and Erin leave as did Edward,soon Daniel and John had to leave for the airport..gutted as i was having too much fun with these people id only met 2 days previous.
So we said bye bye grabbed a picture and some hugs n kisses.

When they had left myself,Angy,Froggy and Kristie were leaving to head to a restaraunt for some food when we see Edward in the foyer with about 5-7 people chatting taking pictures..apparently he hadnt left but had been chatting there for about 30mins.Froggy then casually asked if he'd like to join us for dinner..he litterally jumped at the chance, wether to get away from the people or he was really hungry??
I said to him we were heading to a place called the winking lizard..he didnt seem to believe me..so i reassured him it was a real place.
So he bid farewell to the people and left with us..Yes he joined us for dinner!
Now as i said before i didnt have the money to buy a pic or auto with him..but this was soo much freakin cooler!!!
So the five of us walk a couple of blocks to the winking lizard..making chat with Edward was super easy, he was also impressed that id come from Scotland.. i was beaming i was walking down the street shoulder to shoulder with Edward John Olmos..chatting away!!!
So we get to the winking lizard and we had dinner, our server was a little star struck but handled himself well!! We chatted about this con,previuos cons,Italy,history,food..He even had Angelas pickle-she didnt like them.What i noticed was that when he speaks to you he looks you dead in the eye..that took me back as he has lovely caring brown eyes..i was in awe.
We decided that after dinner we would head back to the hotel..Edward was due to leave that night but he was now scheduled to be in Peurto Rico for a film.

Edward decided to call it a night..hugs kisses later Kristie Froggy Angy and me head into the hotel bar..its cheaper!
We spent the next  hours drinking laughing chatting,planning on going to Dragon Con.It was a really good way to end such an awesome weekend.Kristie left at some hour..i lost track what time it was..we hope we will see her at Dragon Con, id said id be there gofer..id help them out..heres hoping!
After about my 5th cocktail i was singing..but it was sleepy time.We hugged Froggy and thanked him - he was soo nice to us and made part of the weekend possible!
Myself and Angy headed to bed, i believe we sat up and watched Clueless...funnier at 2am and when your slightly tipsy!
I gave in and fell asleep and woke up in Cleveland for the last time!

Myself and Angy had confirmed that we are the luckiest girls to go to that convention, if not in the world, and i appreciate every single moment, from Michael getting up to hug us,chatting soo freely with us,being playful,remembering my name!!,being hysterical,Sam for being soo funny too,allowing us to get an interview with him and Helen!,then there is free autographs,extra pictures,haning out with these people and them being soo cool with it.
I honestly got waay more out of this con than i expected and have ever at a con.
I thank everyone that i met,chatted to and of course my love Angy - without her i wouldnt have been able to go.I love you!!
Dragon Con here we come..then hopefully California!
And my dad is serious - you have to come over to us, he wants to meet you!!

Im gona do a seperate post on the few hours i had in Cleveland by myself..i was such a tourist..but its a gorgeous city.

Hope y'al enjoyed it.

michael rosenbaum, daniel logan, edward john olmos, cleveland rocks, travel, tiki-con

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