Tiki-Con Saturday

Jul 16, 2009 16:33

Okay here goes

Saturday in Cleveland began at 9am..our hotel was next door to the Halle building - where the con was being held so we were able to have a long lie.To be honest i wasnt feeling all that great..think it was a combo of tiredness-plane food-excitment and the heat..God it was soo warm at 10am!!Im from Scotland..there is only soo much heat i can take!
Myself and Angy myfablexy woke up and head down the block to a cvs?? store grabbed some breakfast and water..must always have water, also got a yoghurt seemed like a good idea at the time..who knew it come to haunt me later.
We headed back to the Halle building and made our way up to the 4th floor, we enterd the floor and began to wander round when Angy realised she'd forgotten her press information to give to Erin Gray.So she headed back to the hotel..i stayed and had a wander round.Got chatting to a guy with a stall full of Star Wars lego merchandise, some really cool stuff.He seemed impressed/shocked that id come from Scotland for Michael..that was everyones impression i think.He said i could have a free pin..so i chose one with Chewy,C3PO AND R2-D2 on it.
Angy reappeared with a look on her face..UH-OH!She begins to tell me that Michael has arrived..how does she know that..well turns out she was in the same elevator as him !!She was talking to Daniel Logan and didn't realise Michael was right behind her..in all fairness he was wearing a baseball cap.
And soo the squeeing begins!!!
She said that he was up at the tables..i looked but coulndt see him..and then WHAM!! I saw him..effortlessly handsome as always.I had to turn and walk away.."OMG OMG OMG".The realisation of my insanity had just now hit me..i was in freaking Cleveland Ohio for HIM!
So a few calming breaths later we decide to walk on up to him...it wasnt a busy con so there wasnt a que, just what seemed like a family of older people having a good chat with him..the topic of Michael McDonald came up..and he began singing some Michael McDonald and Kenny Logins music...Im dying right now listening to him,7feet away from me singing!
They begin to wrap up the conversation when Michael sees us..."Oh my god" is his reaction.
He gets up comes around from his table hugs Angy "You came from Italy?" and then turns to me grabs me and hugs me "She came from Italy, i came from Scotland for you" "You came from Scotland?...oh my god listen to that accent i love it" (inner fangirl is dying right now) His shoulder blades are yummy..yeah i had a grope!What else i remember from that hug was the fact my face was right in against his ear/neck..guh!!
He goes back to his seat and begins rambling in a Scottish accent..its such a good rendition i was very impressed a man of many talents my self and his minder lady agreed on that! He was saying in the accent "Your Scottish so you talk from the back of your throat or the fron of your mouth like" How in hell he knows this i have no idea. He was rambling on i had joked he was mocking me to which he replies "No no seriously im not..Its such a hot accent i love it" *ahhhhhh*.
Angy and Michael start chatting away - there wasnt a que behinds us so we didnt have to rush..also he wanted to chat away.
She had brought a Flash figure to get signed, when he sees it he giggles..and says to his minder "My legs are actually this skinny"..he signs across the chest..he was gona sign his thigh..but meh.
Angy had bought a gorgeous ring for him for his birthday and gave him the box..he opend it to reveal a small orange pouch to which Michael begins in a camp voice  "Oh this is my present..a little purse..oh no wait this is a purse for Flash.."hysterical.
He opens it and is impressed by the D&G ring, he tries it on to see if it fits ,he trys his ring finger on his left hand..its a bit big and he then says "Maybe i could have a thumb ring.." i show him my thumb rings "Oh there cool." He gets up thanks Angy, hugs kisses galore.He says to me "Although you didnt get me it..you still get a fist bump" yeah!
Talk about how Angy is a a Italian godess..i have no idea what goes on in his head..i was sorting my money for my autos..Michael said how she travels around the world and goes to cons..her reply was "Yeah i have a job, and im rich"....genius Michael laughs and says "Im rich ..oh i love it"
Michael sees that there is some guys behind us waiting for him he tells them "Sorry guys.Ill be with you soon, weve a reunion going on here"
I turn around to see a small que gathering..oops!
I hand Michael a birthday card, wish him a Happy Birthday.His minder i think says "Oh its your birthday?"  "Yeah im 38...No wait im 37" - guy doesntt even know what age he is.I say to him how he looks no where near 30..which is true!
I hand over my Milton Keynes picture to get signed, he looks at it and says to Lilah the girl that was with him
*Now please fandom do not start freakin out over this.Lilah is a very sweet girl,she was pleasent to us all weekend,greeted us everytime she saw us.I wont have any Lilah bashing.A happy Michael is a happy Paula*
So yeah he shows the picture to Lilah and says "Look at that, isnt that cute, thats from Milton Keynes" I say "You remember..?" "Of course i remember..I should have cut my hair" Ha!
So he signs that for me and then i had  a Lex picture for him to sign (Thanks to Rosenbaum Media) ,"Thats a cool picture", it's one of my favourite shots.

We chat a bit more and tell him that we will see him later for photos "You here just for today? "No no were here all weekend " "Oh cool , yeah ill see you later"
We say our goodbyes and walk away...Im am soo freaklin happy.
We walk and bump into Adele and her family.Angy and Adele know each other from Dragon Con?, so were chatting away.Adele is looking fierce as Mrs.Incredible, the kids are soo adorable they were dressed as Supergirl and Superboy.I cant remeber if Chase was dressed up?i saw him in various outfits , he was Flash the previous night.Anyhoo we chatted away at this point i was drained and feeling ill.So i said i needed some air..it was Soo stuffy in the con.
I decided that i should go to the hotel and maybe rest a bit..photo ops werent for a couple of hours.When we got to the ground floor we saw it was pishing it down - raining like really bad! We had heard earlier the thunder and lightening.i had joked with Michael how it had been glorius and then he arrived and rained..ha.
I said Angy to stay at the con,rather than go back to the hotel..i needed a rest.So i got to the hotel and was feeling 10 times worse.I managed to take off my shoes before needing to vomit.I wont go into details, lets just say it wasnt pretty.I tried to take some medicine to ease my headache..but it didnt saty down,i was gona have to rough it out.
Angy came up a while later..we rested a bit then she got up and got ready to go to the photo ops.I said i join her in a bit.Photos were at 1:15pm, so i headed feeling better about 1:20pm.When i got there i was asked by the crew if i was feeling better - Angy had told them i was resting , seriously i was asked by 3 different people if i was okay.Soo sweet.
I joined to que , like 10 people when i got there-i was last! Angy had been and got hers.So i go in and Michael says in his Scottish accent "There she is" again more rambling in his accent. I walk over and get a sweet embrace from Michael, i tell him i have 2 pictures and ask "What ya wanna do" he looks at me and says "Well.." i wasnt even being suggestive..silly boy!The crew is laughing...we go first for a simple arms over and around pose...very casual.I remember from MK how nervous i was..this time i was so calm and chilled out..i thank Michael for that , he was so laid back.The photos werent rushed at all..you were able to check them before leaving,even Michael was looking before doing the next.
Firt picture taken, next i say "What now?" im right next to him face to face and he  is looking at me and im thinking my hair?? and says "Uhm.." i say "What if i wear your hat..ha?" "No no,not the hat my hair is.." "Uhm okay lets try this.." He grabs me and stands behind me, his arm all the way around me, so instinctivly i touch his arm..For some reason unbeknown to me the crew and Angy are laughing.. i dont know why.The crew - i wish i knew the photo guys name,im gona call him Metroplis *he's from there* so Metroplis tells us to move to the left so still attached to each other me and Michael shuffle to our left to fit in frame...wrong way so we shuffle to our right - still attached *im loving it*, so posing time again, everyone is laughing again, i look up at Michael inches from my face and say "why are they laughing?what are you doing?" "Im not doing anything"..im didnt buy it, he was up to something...
Click, picture done.
He says check it, if you dont like it we can do it again..pulls me over to the computer..the picture comes up...oh my god.Everyone laughs - including Michael..i prod his side and say "I knew you were doing something"..he laughs and says its a cute picture.

I have to admit..I FREAKIN LOVE MY PHOTOS!
After my photos were done Adele's kids were last to get pics done..they grabbed a chair for Michael to sit on..he grabbed them next to him, soo cute.He was making farting noises..making them laugh at one point asked them if they had ants in there pants - the kids kept moving trying to get comfy.Cant wait to see the picture.

So we all say bye and head out.What i did after that i cant remember..maybe had a walk about.At some point i headed back to the hotel, the photos wouldnt be ready for a while.So we rested for a while.Angy went to see if the pics were ready..a while later she returns with the pictures-mine too.
Total squee fest begins...
I then get fixed up and we head to get them signed.I was feeling a hell of a lot better..it was till warm but i was able to ride the elevator without want to throw up or kill someone for talking loud.
We make our way to Michael when he sees us and yells "Heeyy Ladies"...everyone in the surrounding area looks to see who he is yelling at..yup us!!
We get to the table and Angy shows him her picture from this afternoon - they were high fiving, he writes 'to my sweetest gal'.
I show him mine and Lilah agrees that they are cute..i gave the money for 1 autograph..i say" which one, ive two?" he says he'l sign both "Ive only paid for one" "I'll sign both for you, only you"...Ahhhhh! Whilst signing he's doing the accent again.When he signs the 2nd one he says "I will give you noogies"..i say "What are noogies??"..he then explains that its when you grab someone in a choke hold and rub their head...hmm okay Michael.
During our chat he was drinking ice tea and honey..he peeled open the sachet of honey and poured it into the tea..then LICKED AND SUCKED the remainder of the honey from the sachet...OH MY GOD!..How we didn't drool at the sight of his tongue i don't know.
As that would probably be the last time we saw him on Saturday we said goodbye and headed up the other end to Sam and Helen's table.
They were quiet, Helen suggested we do the interview as it was a slow day..so we waited for her to finish with a fan..i spoke to Sam and asked him if he had seen the Superman cake.."There's a superman cake??" So i took him to where the cake was..people were freely helping themselves to the cake..Sam was like "Wow, i thought it would be bigger..." "Sarcasim im thinking...?" "Yeah, total sarcasim.".He helped himself to the cake , there wasnt any forks left so he had to eat with his fingers...we walked back out the room to find Helen was ready for the interview..i left Sam to his cake, he thanked me for showing himto the cake.
We had said to Helen just a few questions 5-10mins..turned into a 20mins session.I will type up the interview after this ...i recorded the audio on my phone.She was so gracious,and chatty.A gorgeous woman.She gave us hugs before we left.
We then asked Sam if he'd be up for his..he was...so we went to the same room, away from the noise of the con..Yeah MYSELF-SAM-ANGY ALONE IN A ROOM ...Now ive watched him as Davis on Smallville and never found him attractive, good looking yes,but never to the point of me thinking id like a piece of him.That has totally changed.
We had planned for a 5-10min interview..but like Helen he likes to chat...30mins of him chatting laughing,swinging in his chair, opening-closing his legs...looking right into my eyes whilst talking.....Im totally besotted!!
He was even gracious enough to sign a pic for Angy's website..so funny trying to spell out the name of the Italian website *that auto was free* hahahaha!! Press priveledges.
We thanked them both and headed with the intention of asking Michael.
When we got there it was quiet so Angy went up and asked..he said that he should'nt that he had already knocked back 3 interviews already..but for us he would do a quick one.He said we should go back and see him tomorrow about 3-4ish.

Time for chilling and food....
We head a few blocks away for some food, we found a nice street with loads of bars n such so we grabbed a meal at the House of Blues.

As it was a saturday night we had decided to get dressed up a bit later on, maybe bump into some lovely people....
So after dinner we had a nap and then got ready all dressed up and headed to the bar.

At the bar we met Froggy,RayRay and Daniel.I was chatting with RayRay, when he said he was Scottish..i was like what?.Yeah apparently he was born in Govan,Glasgow.WOW! I didnt know that!.He was super cool with us..we chatted away,i then sat next to Daniel who was eating chicken wings..and making a mess of himself.We were chatting about random stuff,somehow got chatting about his passport and he took it out..i had a oogle through it..he has soo many stamps,from everywhere..Japan,Ireland etc.It wasnt until i saw that a stamp said PAROLE on it that i was confuesd.I said to him "Your a fellon?..Your on parole??" he hadnt seen that it said this on his stamp..it was for his visa into USA.But it was funny watching him freak out and yell at Rya "Man ,she's just found out im on parole..man what?"..i was dying with laughter.In between laughing and saying no to Daniel who was trying to offer us his last chicken wings..we orderd some drinks.Sat and made chit chat with the guys..they were heading to another bar or something..but were kind enough to give us a photo - considering at the con people had to pay $10 for a picture at the table, we were licky enough to get a freebie or 2...Angy has these pics so ill wait for her to upload them them post them.
Ray said something really cute about me and Daniel when our picture was taken..he said "you two together look cute as pie..sweet as cherry pie" He then asked if i was engaged..random i know,that started a discussion on engements.."I just wear it on that finger".."As a warning to other guys??" "Possibly.." - Like i said random.
The guys left said they may be back later..hmm.
Myself and Angy sat in the bar when Adele and Mary appeared.So we all sat and drank some cocktails..well me and Mary did.At one point we all wanted a picture together..which turned out to be more tricky than expected...we asked some random dude next to us.Turns out that he is  Todd Dezago - a comic book writer.A funny guy who stole our pretzels!!! It took about 5 shots to get  it right.
During our chat we discovered that Mary had a "special" person in the room next to her...SAM WITER!! Apparently he had been up all night playing his music loud til 1am..keeping Mary up.She wasnt amused..but it didnt stop her listening up againste the wall!!Ha ha!
At about 1:40am we decided to head to bed..via Mary's room..just incase there was any special people..Which there was.
Yup Sam was defo in there chatting away with someone we think was Helen..sounded like her..and possibly Michael.It was hysterical , we all had our ear to the wall trying to listen...im not ashamed!!.I had been on my best behaviour all day.
It went quiet so me and Angy headed to bed..very happy.

And this was only saturday....more to come!!!

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was next door to the Hall

michael rosenbaum, cleveland rocks, travel, tiki-con

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