Aug 20, 2006 22:31
In the Calg-to-the-ary (I should stop doing that shit, its really not cool anymore and I know it hahah) at the moment. Good times staying with my sister and her boyfriend. Its good to be back in the city I love, but I am looking forward to Sunday when we travel further westward to see my aunt and cousins. We'll hit the rockies I'm sure, thank god. I miss being out there- used to go every year, lucky me.
I think we're going to the hot springs again on our way to my aunt's cottage property to slave away for 2 days. There is no running water, and I'm assuming no phone so we'll see how that goes. I'm sure it'll be awesome roughing it. I like shedding the normal standards of life once in a while, its extremely freeing. Plus, there'll be no boys around so I can look and smell like shit and who bloodywell cares? Not that I ever smell. Haha.
The only problem is being away from my boyfriend. I was never this sappy before! Actually, I turned my nose up at it, but yes folks, Marley is hardcore emotional now- and it feels fucking great. Good god, we have no idea how much energy we spend trying to act in ways that we think will protect us. When in fact all that does is hold us back. I hope my friends have noticed too- like, I love you guys and I don't think anyone really vocally appreciates each other enough in life. Boo that.
I hope everyone has a lovely night.