(Bandom Podfic) Life in Technicolor by seratonation

Jul 17, 2013 15:11

Title: Life in Technicolor
Author: seratonation
Reader: miss_marina95
Fandom: Bandom- Panic! At the Disco
Pairing: Brendon/Jon, Ryan/Spencer
Rating: Mostly PG-13, R for short masturbation scene
Summary: Angel AU. When Brendon is forced out of heaven he lands squarely on Spencer's front yard. As he and his friends try to come to terms with this, his new life slowly evolves into a human one. Of course, nothing is ever that simple.
A story of love, loss and friendship, and how, sometimes, they are all connected.Length: 01:31:13
R/N: For the 2013 Bandom Big Bang. So much love for reena_jenkins for my beautiful coverart and to paraka for helping me edit last minute. She helped me EDIT guys, not beta, but she actually edited my terrible raw take of part two for me and I love her so much for it. Also tons of love for bandombigbang for making this challenge fun and awesome! I've never done a big bang before and the mods were amazing and very helpful. Thanks for a fantastic challenge! Finally, thanks to seratonation for allowing her fic to be podficced. I had a lot of fun recording!
 Go read her fic and give her some love.

Coverart by reena_jenkins

Text: Ao3 or LJ

Download: MP3 or M4B

Note: MP3 file is a zip folder

Thanks to the wonderful paraka for hosting me!

Also available here on the audiofic archive! (Much love to the awesome archivers)

rating:r, fandom:bandom, pairing:ryan/spencer, pairing: brendon/jon, challenge:bbb

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