(Bandom Podfic) Anthropomorphism by airgiodslv

May 05, 2013 21:18

Title: Anthropomorphism
Author: airgiodslv
Reader: miss_marina95
Fandom: Bandom-Panic!At the Disco
Pairing: Gen, No Pairing
Rating: PG-13 (small, recreational pot smoking)
Summary: They're on the road when Brendon finds the turtle.
Length: 00:27:08
R/N: Another late bday repod with reena_jenkins! Throat was being weird, so my voice is kinda croaky? And mic was being stupid, so I had to rerecord several parts and it might sound weird. :/ Hope it's okay anyways!

Text is here

Download/Stream: MP3 or M4B
Thanks to the wonderful paraka for hosting me! Streaming available through mp3, then right click to save file.

Also available here on the audiofic archive! (Much love to the awesome archivers)

fandom:bandom, podfic, bdaypodfics, rating:pg-13, genre:gen

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