Title: St Patrick's Day
Miss_m_cricketFandom: Star Trek TOS
Pairing: James T Kirk/Pavel Chekov
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: You think I own any of this? Nuts, you are.
A/N: My first TOS Kirk/Chekov fic! YAY!
Summary: The two men watched the mayhem around them in stunned disbelief.....
St Patrick’s Day
The two men watched the mayhem around them in stunned disbelief.
“Um…” Pavel said as a man went running past them, a beer mug over his head, singing his heart out.
“You brought me to an Irish pub on St Patricks day?” Jim asked, amusement on his face and Pavel groaned.
“I forgot Keptin...”
“You forgot it was St Pat’s day?”
“Er..kind of?”
Both men groaned as a couple of men got onto some tables, obviously totally smashed and began to sing.
“Do you vant to go?” Pavel asked, anxiously. He had promised to show Jim that he could have a good time out on Shore Leave back on Earth without being in Russia.
Jim shook his head.
“Nah, this is good, don't worry about it Chekov.”
Pavel nodded and both men watched as one of the singers tumbled off the table top and fell into the arms of some spectators.
Pavel sat at the bar and swigged down another shot. The world was faintly blurry and swaying slightly but he could still make out the shape of Captain James Tiberius Kirk swaying and singing along with everyone in the center of the club.
Some drunks were dancing and everyone was laughing uproariously including Jim who had his arm around a pretty blond male.
Pavel scowled and downed what felt like his 100th vodka shot.
James stumbled over to him.
“My god. You were right Pavel, you sure know how to have a good time.” He laughed happily and wrapped a matey arm around the smaller man's shoulders.
Pavel swallowed and grinned weakly up at the tall Captain.
“Yes, told you.”
Jim looked down at him consideringly and Pavel felt his stomach twitch. He had seen the Captain look like that on the Bridge, puzzling out a problem or a situation, but he had never seen that expression directed at him.
Then suddenly Jim’s mouth was on his own and was parting his lips in a way that could only be described as masterful.
Pavel let out a soft moan, curving up into the older man, tasting the rum and coke that the other had been drinking.
They pulled apart to wolf whistles and cheers. Pavel blushed as he looked at the drunk but grinning faces all around.
James T Kirk grinned back at them all.
“I think im going to take him home, for some private fun. See you!”
James pulled the stunned Russian out of the pub with the yells and ribald joking of the drinkers inside following them.