It's been five months two decades since I made a post to my livejournal. I was busy with school, then busy with summer school. I've been lurking around here and there, but not too much. I just recently finished summer school and I have a bit of time the weekend off until I have to go job hunting and grandma visiting
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Things learned while capping: 1. Capping is a very slow process when the capper is trying to cap and watch subtitled German films with lots of m/m touchage. 2. Ari was around a lot in Ep 6
For those who live in the_guesthouseI put up the first Episode via yousendit and I am working on the second episode now (will be up in a couple of hours). The entry is friendslocked, so you have to have join or already have joined the community to get it. I'm going to put them all up eventually. I'm trying to see if this works better than IM transferring
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Today's Events... 1. Returned home from the sister's house. 2. Went to work 3. Got mad at the stupid financial aid people who are messing everything up. 4. Ate Phish Food 5. Found a torrent for Entourage 106 (1 hour to go)
Tonight's Forecast... 1. Watch Entourage 2. Try to yousendit some eps to people 3. Make caps of 106
So, I've been bombarding everyone with Entourage stuff for the last couple of days. That's just because I decided to do the caps for some reason. Anyway, I should be going back to my regularly scheduled non-posting now. =P
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