Dec 08, 2005 19:49
well havent updated for awhile..
by the way i dont think i will be writing here anymore,...
there isnt a lot of point as there arent really any readers and its just another site to copy over too so yeah...if im not over here much u know why...i will prob drop by to read some people tho, also writing at OD and ITW still and now JC..
whats new?
i dont even know when i last did update? last wednesday perhaps?
well lets see...
ic ant really remember what i did last week as it seems too long ago..or perhaps the Baileys is making my head forget..
sunday shaun and i went to the markets, i bought a present for my mum..its a vase with butterflies on it...very pretty...
thenw e went into the city, did some more Xmas shopping, i think we almost finished everyone...i sitll have my parents adn shaun to go...
have absolutely no idea what to get all..
on sunday shauns dad was at work or so we think,we dont know exactly where he was, so yeah ended up having lots of tlak about that..then we walked down to his sisters place to get a letter off her and see if they wanted ice cream as we were walking to the shops, anyway their loungeroom window was open and as we walked past we heard this omg and well went omg they are doing it there!! and raced off down the street in fits of laughter and stopped at shauns gma's house..
anwyay late ron we went back there and had ice cream with them...
then shaun got upset at me for saying i should go home, so i suppose we ende dup cranky at each other..he thinks im always cranky at him and i oh i dont know... i guess we were both just in a mood which is a bad combo.. i was tired too..
monda i went out to the shops with mum and dad, we had lunch out..was good...monday night i went to shaunshouse for dinner...we had a BBQ..
We watched Laguna Beach on TV!!
tuesday i worked and one of the casuals called up and resigned, thanks a bunch for that just before christmas! just annoys me since the xmas casual well she isnt that leaves us stuck..
tuesday night i had a farewell for one of the girls at the other store shes going back to England...ended up being a looooong home around 11.30pn adn diodnt get to bed till after midnight, resulted in me still being tired as i havent got enough sleep!
was a good night though although the food wasnt the best and took forever to arrive, over an hour to be exact...wont be going back there...
Belle was there, shes 6 months pregnant now!
wednesday(yest ) i had lunch with shaun, he had found a place for his 21st party...
oh on monday afternoon my parents and i put the xmas tree up...looks good, well i like it..take pics one day.
supposedly one of the big bosses iscoming downt his week so have been madly tryign to get everything done at work...
need to book shaun and i's holiday, finish christmas shopping if possible this weekend and yeah.
find a secret santa for work party and something to wear!!
sat night is the work party...should be good..
my dad is on the phoen to grandma, ishold prob go talk to her as i havent for awhile.....
im in a funk...i dont think ic an write anymore