im so damn annoye di wrote this huge long entry for this to then go and stuff up and me lose it all!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stupid damn thing
so here i go again, damn it i dont have the time or energy for this. i felt like writing and well now its all gone.i could swear my head off right now.
hmm ok so when did i last write besides jyust then.
on thursday(23/6) (N) came down for a visit. i started early on thrus as htey all had a meeting...once (N) got to our store her and i went out and had a long chat alone, talked abou the store, whats happened lately there and my training program...also spoke about shaun and his mum...and just everything that happened...it felt good to talk in a way. i dont know sometimes its easy to talk to (N) about things. i got a bit teary, as did she in the end. its been goodhaving so much support from her in the last few weeks. i just wish there was more i could do for shaun and his family...i feel so bad but well they are feeling so mujch worse...its just not fair....
there is a new job position open, as a manager, i dont know if i will apply or not..(N) said if i feel i want too then she would be happy. but well it wont be to much differend to what i am now, except the title obviously.and a tad extra money but its not a good store with staff, and is pretty quite ie boring at times plus with the training...i dont know but its a good opportunity..i will think about it some more, although i think i already know what my descion is...
yesterday and today mum and i have been looking at places for my 21st, im going to have a cocktail party...
i think we will have to go back to a couple tomorrow when the function people are in. i will look at some of the menu and narrow choices tonight, i think i will also start my training assignments...i dont have the energy for it but i must.
friday night shaun and my parents and i went to dinner and did the shopping, i then drove shauninto the city to pick up his dad as he was driving his car home....on sat morning he had a exam...i think he did ok since he seemed happy enough with himself.
last night we house sat for shauns boss, as she has a dog...we ordered in thai and she had left us a nice bottle of champers!! very nice!
when we go there we couldnt find the dog anywhere!! after a bit of lookign and being worried she must have been hiding in the bushes or behind the house...as she came out...what a relief...shaun and i had a nice long chat too which is good...i like when we can just have lots of time alone and tlak and talk about what ever we want or need too..
i have aunty flow so nothing kinky went on, but it was a very good night regardless, dont always need those things, not to say they arent nice...
shauns at the footy today....hope hes having fun...i think thats all i have lost what i was saying since this is the 2nd time through...