when it

May 02, 2005 18:13

when it rains it really does pour....

and no its not really raining.....

its just been one of those days, a day that can only be described as that...

it was to be my RDO but there was no one to work so i had to do it...B has gone away on holidays!! lucky duck...if tomorrow ends up like today i will need one too!!!

anyway when did i last write.....
hmm well thursday was a busy day, had a lot to do and (N) came down(area manager) anyway she did a store visit...i went out with her and B which was good...i hadnt been to the whole store meeting where they discuss finacials and stuff...she asked why B and i are making so much money and working well as a team...was kinda weird asking it then and there since we were both there.... anyway we both responded along the same lines as to why we think....

anyway she came back later on and i was busy and she had to serve people! it was quite funny watching her serve customers, i mean i know she can but well its just funny i had to tell her about the clothes and where stuff was! anyway she did some work stuff on the store too...

Friday was B's birthday,,, from the girls and i at work we gave her, well i really so far, they are paying me back, anwyay a nice box of flowers and movie tickets!!!

i also had a meeting with the people about the traineeship thing i will be doing through work! ditn find out too much more althought he training people may not be the training people after all...still trying to find out about that mroe.... thats prob confusing...
basically the company wil pay for me to do certificates, they get benefits, so each area manager got to select a person to do it...there is seleciton critera to be in it tho, i am still waiting on the final selection stuff but anyway...

Friday night shaun then came here and picked me up, we went to watch a band play, their money went to breat cancer so we went with shauns family...it was quite a good night really... we had dinner there...but yeah that was good. Afterwards shaun and i went and had ice cream with his sister and her bf...it was good funn....

On Saturday we went shopping for new thigns for the house and then iw ent to a mall and bought 2 new pairs of jeans! naughty me!!!
when we got home i bummed a bit and did some cleaning up for the move!
Next Week!! OMG ic ant believe we leave htis hosue enxt week!! reality check!!!

Sat night was B's birthday dinner...we had a fairly good turn out...it was a treally good night actually,... after dinner we hit the clubs...although B piked fairly early with K..but jess and i stayed out! some old guy felt my ass up tho!! i was like eeeeeeeewww wgross your old enough to be a grandpa..and no there is nothing wrong with grandpas but eww i think of mine doing that then! which he would never do by the way!!

Shaun came and picked me up after 1am,,,, what a sweety!! he was studying!!

yesterday we went and some food things and that...then i started packing up my room! was kinda odd i found lots i had forgotten about....cleaned out a lot though...

I found some old letetrs and letter books from school..

that put a holt on my cleaning!!! i sat day and started reading them...was kinda odd going back to my life in year 11 and 12!!

the things i had fogotten... was sad in parts...thinking of friendships that used to be...and now arent that way anymore...but reminded me a lot of good memories....and it was funny reading about shaun and i when we first started dating....

wow that sounds so long ago....

his grandma is still in hospital as far as i know...her BP actually reached 260 at some points! iw as like holy crap your blood pressure was 260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she needs to slow down....

according to my grandad my grandma is still having nightmares! which is not good at all...

i was going to finish my room tonight but i doubt i will... dinner is ready soon... was talking to Rose not long ago on the net! she said melb is going good stll which is good..pity we couldnt tlak more tho!!!

work was just crazy..the comp went dumb again... i had to pull it out and try and get back online to head office, then connect a new eftpos machine... i swear people take that thing for granteD!!

then we got tonnes of stock, i had the new girl... some chick wanted work exp htere too!! i rang N going help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sigh a day where evberything could happen it did...wont bother goin on and on, oh wait i just did didnt i!!!?!!?

not sure exactly what day i am moving next week... if i dont write much in the next weeks you will know i am busy packing and moving so yeah!! dont know hen we will get the net back up again will wait and see, ,,,, i will try update before then though!!
anyway gotta go have dinnern ow!!
please leave notes if you read... its a bit odd...esp at ITW says a lot of people read and i dont get notes so im curious i wanna know who reads!
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