Yesturday I got my camera and I took over a hundred pictures. *grins* I'm pretty much attached to it, infact, its sitting right next to me as I type!
So yesturday, I did a little shopping. Ashe, Miss M and I went to Value Village (we tried on some silly clothes and took pictures *grins*), Freddies to get me some stockings, Walmart, and JoAnns where I got stuff to make a bag for my camera with; I'm going to work on it today.
Picture time!
I got this cute retro 1960's blouse and 1950's circle skirt (probaby should of put a crinoline underneath for the pic) at Value Village. The blouse looks EXACTLY like the one that what's her name wore in Hairspray. *grins*
Being silly:
Miss M tried to show me how to do the cool color-swap thing on my camera when driving. (her mom has the same camera) I'm still not sure how I do it yet, but I love the look and I'm going to have alot of fun with that setting!
And I made these yummy parphaes (how ever you spell it...) with strawberries from my garden when I got home. Yum! Oh, and I also got those green and yellow pyrex bowls at Value Village too.
I absolutely LOVE my new camera! It takes WAY better pictures then my old camera! And usally I don't have to do much editting except croping. I love it!
Oh yes! And have a Happy Fourth of July!