Mar 23, 2009 10:01
Operation: Move David And Anna To Birmingham proceeds. There is, however, one tiny small stumbling block in the road; Me. I am incapable of sorting my shit out. I am stressing about everything, and so far have failed to apply for the one job I looked at and went "yeah". I have frozen up. I really really want to move to Brum. It's a lovely city full of amazing people, and some of the best friends I've got in my life. I just don't know where to start, and I'm paralysed with fear. Fear of failure, fear I won't get a house, a job, that I'll be left in Liverpool on my own with David in Brum, that I won't find a doctor who will understand my mental health problems, that I'll get there and discover I don't like it, or that people don't like me. I'm also afraid of talking to my current boss about it, for fear she will make any remaining time I have here a living hell. She's nice, but she's big on loyalty, and leaving is the ultimate disloyalty. I want to move, I *have* to move. This city is killing me and stifling my life. I just don't know *how* to move.