Oct 12, 2005 17:46
Things have been fine thanks. Except for hearing that I need to eat more. Yeah right, I'm at my ideal weight bitches :P I had to drop my math class for this semester. Sadness, but I will take it next semester. This just means that Tuesdays I won't have to wait for 30 minutes after my horn lesson dreading what I'm not going to understand in math at 11. On Thursday though, I get to sleep in until 10:30 :) So Asu had a drag show last night that I heard went very well. Which is coolio. I've been to a couple of those and they really are fun. I was going to go last night, but I was kind of tired and depressed after work. Adelle came into town though so I got to hang out with her. Fun random times hehe. This week is room inspection week. AHHHHH! Lmao, Amy was all worried this morning because I mentioned that I through a beer can away in our bathroom so it was right on top. So apparently she came back to the room and did some major cleaning in 45 minutes. *Applause* I'm more worried about my rats though. I don't think they can look under beds, and I know they can't open anything, so my budlight and zima xxx are safe. I may pour the zima xxx out. I like citris better...Tony needs to come get his whiskey out of the fridge though. He really digs the Old Charter shit. Yucky. Jack Daniels is much better.
Alrighty, well, that's my update. Things are pretty good, just a few dramatic things atm. Later taters!