Going mumsy and homegrown

Aug 26, 2008 19:20

I realised I missed out a lot when growing up. I never got the whole mum and daughter thing going, probably because the hoards of boys were so much trouble. I made rice crispy cakes a few months ago and realised I had never even done that with my mum, or dad. I never had one cooking lesson or anything.

So I have been learning to cook recently, so my own daughter doesn't miss out, so we can do those little fun cake making sessions and such. OK, yes I can 'cook' but not bake and trying to teach a little girl all the spices for a curry or wait 6 hours for a stew.... well it just isn't going to happen is it? So in this last week I have made amazing rhubarb crumble - with rhubarb from my own garden! And I have baked a cake.... now I know our new oven runs VERY hot I know to adjust the times and temperature (still a fairly nice cake though! And last night I made biscuits... I had to take them away from my husband as there would be none left! So I judged them a success too despite the recipe being too dry and rusulting in 'lumps' rather than flat biscuits but they are tasty lumps! My pancakes rule supreme so it's going well.

My fruit trees refuse to produce in the 3 or so years I have had them so I am going to plant them out and see if it works (ballerina trees). But out of an apple tree, pear and fig I have only ever recieved one apple about an inch in diametre *sigh* At least I have a lovely rhubarb patch of the rotavator doesn't get it today (having garden minced as it was just a huge weed patch). And a neighbour grows loads of stuff so I swapped her some rhubarb for a bucket of fresh picked apples from her tree. It works out well

I also saw loads of potatoes coming up from the rotavator! I didn't know there were potato plants in there!!!! bit late now - they're mashed lol.

Still am enjoying the home life, looking forward to planting vegies for next year and some herbs atc... once these damn weeds are gone, the right half of the garden turfed, the left poisoned to get rid of nettles and brambles, the front section is being gravelled and the yard... well I don't know how to surface that! Yes we have a big garden! And a yard, and a front garden and 2 sheds. If I manage to be good at growing veg it would be great as I am sure a child is more likely to eat something they helped grow and had fun making :-) I hope so anyway!
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