The First Time: Part 1 (Short Random Dribbles)

Mar 30, 2006 20:36

- Title: The First Time: Part 1
- Author:
- Pairing: Frankie/Patrick
- Rating: Pg13 - Boy kissing, Swearing.
- POV: Frank's
- Dedications: For everyone who's hanging out for other things I'm writting.
- Disclaimer: Not True, No sue.

- A/N: Sorry guys, I haven't forgotten the other stuff i just had to write this little dribble to help clear my head, There will be 3 parts and I'm just going to randomly write them when the mood strikes me but i can't work on other stuff becuase i am feeling to brain dead. It's not good, I won't pretend it is but I still thought i would post it.

Most of this is actual feelings, emotions, experiances and things of my own just put into other characters, so yeah.. I dunno what i am dribbling on about so i will shut up and post.
You will probably understand more later on when it gets very angsty and Tom-ass related.

Oh and also, this is not the permenant tittle.. I will change it when i decide on what i really want to call it.

I still remember my first kiss, It was with a boy named Patrick, He was only 6 months older than me and he was surprisingly experienced. I remember him leaning over to me and my heart almost beating out of my chest. I totally thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Oh my god, he’s going to kiss me. Fuck, what do I do?
And then his lips are on mine and this officially my first kiss and I feel pathetic, I’m 18 years old and I have no idea what to expect.
At least I remembered to close my eyes before his lips are on mine..
They gently push against my own puckered lips and I can feel him slightly open his mouth so I mirror his movements, his hand reaches up to my chin and he gently tilts my head to the right angle so that our mouths now fit perfectly over one another’s.

He’s being so gentle with me; he must know how scared I am.
If you didn’t know us, you never would have guessed that it would be Patrick teaching me how to kiss.
As much as Patrick looks innocent he’s really not. He and Pete have been fooling around together since they were 14, and here is the other surprise. Pete’s the one who wants to make it official, Patrick says no, he likes his freedom...

His tongue is slowly sneaking into my mouth and I swear I’m going to fuck it up, What the fuck am I supposed to do?

Then his tongue touches mine.
And Ewwwwwwww.
Okay, this feels really gross. I resist the urge to pull away because it’s got to get better right? So many people wouldn’t do it on a daily basis if it felt this disgusting.
But It’s fucking warm and wet and slimy and… oh… maybe it’s not so bad?
My own mouth is getting used to the intrusion now and my tongue flicks out to rub against his, instead if just dumbly sitting like a slug at the bottom of my mouth.
I’m really starting to get the hang of this and we find a nice rhythm together and now I cant remember why the hell I waited so long to try this.
Eventually he pulls away and smiles cheekily at me and I know I won’t wait so long before I try it again.

Patrick and I never shared another kiss, he and Pete finally made things official and as far as i know they are still together now.
I never had feelings for Pat, well nothing more than as a friend but i was still always happy he was my first kiss.  
He made me comfortable and confident.

By the way it's my birthday soon!!!
*cheers for turning 18*
I expect presents and fics!!!!

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