Mar 06, 2005 19:01
I BOUGHT A FUCKING CAR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2002 Mitsubishi Galant ES
It's absolutely beautiful!!!!
It's black and only has like 23,000 miles on it. Omg I'm gonna die from being so happy.
But I'm making this entry public because there's something I want my family who reads this to see..
You have no right to tell my mother that she shouldn't allow me to buy a car. You also have no right to tell her what you believe my emotional state is. If you people bothered to talk to me, then you could rightfully form your own opinion. What you read in here (or what you don't read now that I had to block it) is really no one's business but my own even if it's here for all to read. My life is exactly that: MY life. Not yours, not my mother's, no one's but my own. The way I choose to or not to live it is MY decision, not yours. I'm sorry that I'm not what everyone wants me to be, but you know something? I like who I am for once. And if you guys bothered to talk to me or try to spend time with me or treat me even like family, you'd know that. And don't tell my mother she does the wrong thing or criticize her parenting. She's an amazing mother. She does more for me than I deserve sometimes. The way I came out is my own fault, not hers, and certainly not my father's because you all like to blame things on him especially since he's not around to defend himself. That's just low. Yeah, I drink on occasion. Yes, I smoke cigarettes. And yeah, I smoke weed occasionally. That's nothing my mother doesn't know. Am I smoking crack or popping OCs or shootin up heroin? Hell no. I could be doing so much worse but I know my limits and you should respect them just like everybody else. Oh and, just so you don't have to ask, I'm NOT going to college, but I'll probably end up making more money than you'd think when all is said and done because I already have a plan for myself. Again, if you talked to me you'd know all this. You're all so quick to judge but you don't even know me. But I've learned thru experience that only the people who matter know me and want to get to know me. But the people who sit there and focus on the things I fuck up instead of the little things I've accomplished are the ones who DO NOT matter. Hope you enjoy this, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it all at Easter. Oh wait, I'm not going because it's my boyfriend's birthday and he actually cares about me and doesn't criticize the way I live my life, so I'll be spending the day with him.
I feel a little better now :)
But yeah, gotta go back up to the dealership tomorrow and pay for the car. Taking it home Tuesday! =] I'm psyched!!!!
All in all, whether people agree or not, I think I deserve this. Everyone deserves a break and this is mine. Fuck you if you don't agree.
<3 Katey
I love you Jeff!!!