"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

Nov 24, 2008 15:03

Saw Twilight! I've put off reviewing it for a couple of days because the only coherent thought running through my mind for a while has been "Vampire baseball is the most awesome thing EVER!" Oh, and I want to have Jackson Rathbone's beautiful babies. (I'm totally serious.)

What I absolutely loved (In order of appearance):
The opening sequence with the deer. So intense!
Charlie Swan.
Jacob and Billy Black.
Mike's nickname for Bella - "Arizona"
All the humans. They were really funny.
The Cullen's entrance into the cafeteria, Edward's smirk at Jessica and his frustration at not being able to read Bella.
Bella smelling her hair in the biology lab. Edward really did act like she stunk something awful, lol.
Cullen cars.
Edward finally introducing himself to Bella. He sounded very insecure.
The conversation in the hospital. It was exactly like the book, and Edward's very obvious attempts to dazzle her into believing him were funny.
Bella's dreams or visions of Edward, especially the one where he bites her. That was all kinds of sexy.
Port Angeles. Those guys were such creeps! I kind of wished Edward had ripped their frickin heads off.
Dinner at the restaurant. "Money, sex, money, sex... cat." That was hilarious!
The lion/lamb line, word for word.
Bella and Edward lying in the meadow and just staring at each other. So beautiful!
Edward and Bella arriving at school together as a couple. Bella: "Everyone's staring." Edward: "Not everyone. That's guy's not... wait he just looked." Again, so funny.
"Dinner" with the Cullens. Rosalie: "Is she even Italian?" Emmett: "Her name's Bella."
The scenes in the tree, when they're climbing around each other while the lullaby plays.
Edward playing the piano. Probably one of the sexiest things I've ever seen.
The incredible makeout scene in Bella's bedroom, where he pushes her on the bed and then flies across the room. I thought I was going to fall out of my seat.
I think I'm getting the order of these scenes mixed up, but who cares?
I loved, loved, loved the sleeping and the cuddling. Probably the best thing in the movie, besides Jasper and baseball.
Charlie and the pepper spray.
OK, we've come to it. Vampire baseball!!! They have it up on youtube, if you need to watch it at least a dozen times a day like me. My new favorite song is Supermassive Black Hole. That was spot-on.
Did I mention Jasper before? Oh, yes, I think I did. I could watch him spin a bat for the rest of my life and die and very happy person.
Rosalie was such a bitch! I thought she was going to kill Bella when she called her out. Emmett: "Babe, come on, it's just a game." They're relationship was portrayed perfectly, both Bella and Rosalie, and Emmett and Rosalie. "My monkey man." Nikki Reed had called him that in an interview, and I've always wondered where it came from. Now I know!
Alice is freakin awesome! I want her to be my new best friend.
The nomads showing up was sooooo scary. I got all nervous!
I love how Jasper was more himself around killer vampires that he was around Bella. That fits him perfectly. His and Emmet's reaction to Victoria's line was the funniest thing in the film. I would have liked to see them play!
Edward trying to buckle Bella's seatbelt in the jeep, and her yelling at him. It was really great to see Edward that anxious. That tells you the gravity of the situation more than anything.
Alice and Jasper holding hands in the car! So sweet.
Alice's reaction to Bella's blood, and her ripping Jame's head off. Go Alice!
Bella's reaction to the venom spreading through her. It looked so painful, and I love Edward saying he was going to make it go away. I also loved the flashes of scenes while Edward is sucking on her arm. Them laying together in the snow was so beautiful. Was he imagining the future or something? I don't know.
The hospital scene. Oh my gosh, I almost bawled because of all the New Moon foreshadowing. That movie is going to make me weep, I promise you.
Edward and Charlie sitting at the table together, toally awkward.
The scene between Jacob and Edward. Geez, I thought they were going to rip each other's throats out! Again, New Moon foreshadowing with Edward's line about the wolves coming around.
The dancing and the kiss on the neck! I was hoping he would do that, and he did! Oh, and Bella dancing on his feet is just all kinds of adorable.
Victoria! She is one scary vamp, let me tell you.
The deleted scenes during the credits! People were streaming out of the theatre, and I was like, "Dude! We haven't seen this stuff before!!! Where are you going?!"

Overall, I was completely entertained and pleased. There were some things I would have liked to have seen, and a couple things I would have changed, but those are very minor in the grand scheme of things. Right now I'm just so excited for New Moon and Eclipse, and I really, really hope they film Breaking Dawn. I have to see Bella as a vampire! I just have to!


subject: movie, subject: twilight saga, subject: actor/actress, subject: shippy

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