"How Are Things on the West Coast?"

May 31, 2007 22:42

I have a lot of writing to do...pen-to-paper writing that is...but I'm not gonna try to focus on the final, just the step-by-step.

Strange things have been occuring (at the circle K) as I relax and go with the flow. All I gotta say is the flow can be somewhat confusing but I'm happy to be in it.

In other news, I got rejected by WaMu for a job. *giggles* I hate banks anyway; I'd much rather work for a credit union.

Time to put out my networking feelers. Anyone know of any available positions anywhere? i.e. your company/office/employer?
I am hardworking, diligent, friendly, a quick-learner and I don't flake, don't miss work and am never more than a few minutes late. I am a responsible individual and won't make you look bad, promise. I will initially commit to a year and stick by my commitment.

Anybody? Please? Really asking here...gotta kid to feed and things are getting a little tight. Resume available.
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