101 Things - 22 = where did the year go?

Dec 27, 2008 15:35

1001 days seemed like a really long time... but about one third of them are gone and only one quarter of the stuff...

1. Figure out how to do a cut 
2. Post last year's vacation (that I have in a notes file) under cuts
3. Stories about the girls - ongoing

1. Finish free on-line photography course
2. Choose DSLR camera
3. Buy chosen camera 
4. Take picture of star trails 
5. Make ABC... list of photo prompts
6. Retake course with new camera

1. Visit Matt in AZ with the kids
2. Go to the cape
3. Go to Acadia
4. Start a savings account for trip to Alaska 
5. Plan trip to Alaska
7. Walk the cliff walk in RI 
8. Go camping at least once per summer (VT, CT)

1. Submit poems to at least one pub. per month
2. Check out books on poetry from the library
3. Take at least one more course at the art museum
4. Revise poems from last art museum class 
5. Plan a photo/poem chapbook
6. Renew subscription to Poetry

1. Write at least 2 hours per week (1 hour per day would be better)
2. Submit Silver Dollar story to Family Matters category of Glimmer Train - Rejected
3. Work on one revision every 2 months to get through backlog of starter stories 
4. Decide whether to continue with current writer's group - Not

1. Tear out closets in bedroom
2. Buy wardrobes from IKEA
3. Paint bedroom
4. Install wardrobes from IKEA
5. Window treatments for bedroom
6. Bathroom remodel - order new bath
7. Bathroom remodel - order new sink unit
8. Bathroom remodel - walls (hire plaster persopn - also for bedroom)
9. Bathroom remodel - walls - paint 
10. Clean Attic - Clothing, move in to plastic storage
11. Clean Attic - Holidays, color-coordinate storage by season
12. Clean Attic - Furniture, take pictures and post on Craig's list (friends first)
13. Clean Attic - Furniture, Bring stuff that no one takes to RA
14. Clean Attic - Toys, box keepers, picture and post the rest, then donate leftovers
15. Clean Attic - Inventory other stuff and make a plan
16. Kitchen - figure out whether we are doing a pass-through to the dining room
17. Kitchen - design kitchen with sink not in the corner
18. Mud room - choose flooring
19. Office - Five steps of organization (sort, purge, assess, corral, implement)
20. Office - Money - enter all receipts from the previous week on Monday morning
21. Front Porch - paint replacement steps
22. Front Porch - replace steps
23. Wash siding
24. Paint mailbox
25. Paint basement ceiling tiles - Joe did this

1. Continue to play indoor and outdoor soccer
2. Score a goal
3. Do yoga at least twice per week (4 times would be better)
4. Drink 6 glasses of water per day
5. Schedule appt. with Dr. H
6. Schedule appt. with G's doctor for mapping (need referal?)
7. Go Skiing at least twice per season
8. Hike at least 2, 4000 footers per year
9. Get mile down to 9 minutes (at 10 now)
10. Find a new massage therapist
11. Re-read The Chemistry of Joy

1. Learn how to applique
2. Get machine tuned up and reverse fixed
3. Choose one repair project per week and clear out bag of mending
4. Finish last year's Easter dress for myself
5. Buy Fabric and pattern for 2008 Easter dresses for the girls
6. Sew Kit and Kaya's princess dresses by June 15, 2009
7. Read quilting books that mom sent

1. Find knitting lessons for M
2. Register A for Kindergarten (in Feb 2008)
3. Get V and A comfortable with riding bikes with no training wheels
4. Go to the Boston Children's museum
5. Refinish doll crib for V's b-day
6. Use astronomy mapping book - start on the first day of spring 2009
7. Find and purchase storage solution for schoolwork/art that we want to keep
8. Go to the Eric Carle museum

1. Transplant peony
2. Find a green landscape designer
3. Duplicate right front bank on left side
4. Add other plants to phlox banking
5. Make a hypertufa (sp?) pot
6. Find a place to transplant the hens and chicks
7. Find old garden bench - renew with paint
8. Define edge in M's garden
9. Clean out M's garden - draw a map of what is there
10. Design patio also installed by professional

1. Have the piano tuned
2. Make a new MP3 jogging mix
3. Make mix cd for dad
4. Play the piano at least once a month (I'd like it to be more, but right now it's less so...)

Scrapbooks and Mementos
1. Finish Mexico Scrapbook
2. Scan old hard copy photos and put them into albums
3. Add saved memento stuff to girls' baby books
4. Go through box of stuff from Grandma Murphy
5. Have Wedding Dress cleaned and preserved (hope it's not dead from 10 years in my closet)
6. Have christening gown cleaned and preserved
7. Set up Picasa albums of selected outings, time periods, etc
8. Compile home videos
9. Send home videos to family

101 things

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