Friends Only/Intro Post

Dec 01, 2012 09:53

When I don't forget to lock it accordingly, this journal will be kept friends only :) Comment to be added, chances are I'll add you back, but if we don't really know each other, at least leave something about yourself to get us started.

My name is Chey, I'm 22 years old and live in the USA. I love a lot of things, including running, JE, watching movies, and eating new things. I love to move around as much as I like to lay around, so you could say I'm fairly balanced :p

My journal mainly consists of my daily life and, most likely, something or other about Johnny's Entertainment, so if you're not a fan of either, then we're not a match XD Aside from everyday crap, there is talk of fic, Jdramas, and random tidbits probably relating to either maiko/geiko or JE in general. My bias is most definitely NEWS, so if you're a fan, come on down~ Oh yeah, and Jin's a bamf and gets a mention, too. Also Kitagawa Keiko. Because pretty.

So, if you think we'll get along, go ahead and leave a comment right here and I'll get back to you :) I don't bite~

#intro, #friends only

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