I Won't Cross These Streets Until You Hold My Hand...

May 25, 2006 16:33

Relay tomorrow baby!!!!

Should be a good time, hopefully better than last year :P They seem a lot more facist about their rules this year though...can't really say I object nor am I surprised :P It'll be fun, minus the fact that the rain is predicted to stop at around midnight :P Why not just rain all night then? Hmmm? Hmmm? God :P Ummm...So I basically walk home...get home at 3pm...grab my shit and run to Shelly's :P Awesome :P i can't complain really...she's my only way there on time...Jocey is also a goddess because she's going to Bulk Barn and buying an assload of candy :D I can't wait :) I doubt that I'm bringing anything by way of food due to the walking to Shelly's...and because I'm sure that my parents will get home late and we won't have the time or energy to go out and buy things...plus, I think that Al's mom is on crack and making us like, a turkey dinner or whatever Alex was talking about in chem yesterday :P

Today was good, math was pretty funny with the Barbie analogy..."If your equation equals +1 then Barbie is good, she's standng, she's happy....her waist looks like this .... )  (....but, if your answer ends up being -1 then Barbie is sad, she fell down and can't get back up because she's top heavy...so her waist looks like this...-turn the previous bracketed image 90 degrees to the right and that's what she looks like :P-" It was too good :P Though, I still think conics is gay :P Chem was pretty much a free class because the 4 of us finished our work already...so we tried to answer his homo bonus question, that I knew would end up being really easy...and it was, and we just made it harder for ourselves....though, he did mention bonus marks on teh quiz...which I'll need BADLY because I didn't know how to convert atm into kPa...-sigh- When did we even do that? Anyways...during french we were invited to listen to a man {whose name escapes me} who lived through the Holocaust...I'm pretty sure that I cried 3 times...even though I've heard him before. It's just so hard to imagine things like this happening...-shudder- So yeah, needless to say it was very moving, and there were only 2 dickheads who made the mistake of speaking throughout and before his stories...which isn't good, but given all the grade 10's that were present, and the fact that we're at CW, it was pretty good...and leadership...I'm pretty sure that Mr. Cleveland hates the class more than we do...he let us out 10 minutes early today :P

Anyways, enough slacking for me...I should get on studying....for exams...how sick is that?
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