Fanfiction "By Chance"

Aug 03, 2011 19:28

Title: By Chance
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: Miss Ink / Literapture
Rating: PG-13/K+
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/fem!Castiel
Genres/Warnings: Fluff, angst, genderswitch
Word Count: 360
Summary: Fate lends Castiel the wheel for one night.
A/N: Wait, what? I wrote het? Whaa...?
Anyway, I found this scribbled in my old notebook. All it needed was an ending so I threw something at it and here it is. Yeah, I know, I really show I care about my stories, right?

Castiel rolled over onto her back, her breasts bare in the chilled motel room. Dark hair fell like a halo around her head, damp with sweat but still silky against her cheek.

Next to her, Dean shifted closer, working his arm under her until she got the idea and moved back onto her side, pressed up against Dean and warm in his arms.

Dean broke the silence. “Do you want the blanket?” he asked quietly into Castiel's hair. His breath tickled her ear and she pressed closer.

“No, thanks,” she whispered back, voice naturally hoarse in her throat. “I'm actually still quite hot.”

Dean grinned against her neck and pulled away to look at her admiringly before leaning down to press his lips to hers. “I noticed,” he said when they broke apart.

Castiel frowned, skepticism in the blue of her eyes. Angel or not, even she knew that was a cheap line. If Dean noticed the look though he didn't comment, just leaned forward again to steal her mouth with his own, kissing her until nothing else mattered.

It was early morning by the time Dean fell asleep, still clutching Castiel close and breathing calm, shallow breathes into her wild hair. Tilting her head back, she saw how the morning light fell across his face, taking away all the harsh lines and worry and leaving only gentle shades. The smooth sweep of his cheekbones and the curve where his nose met his brow just between his eyes. Eyes that she knew were such a lively green despite the closed lids and that had looked at her with something that might have been the start of love but she wasn't sure.

Her study brought another frown to Castiel's face as well as a subtle pricking at the corners of her eyes and she committed the sight of Dean, so peaceful in the early sun with Castiel in his arms, to memory. Every detail, hers forever. Because she knew when Dean woke, when life resumed, whether she left Dean with his memories or not, this was the last time she'd have a chance to be this close.

genre: genderswitch, genre: het, pairing: dean/castiel, supernatural

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