Aug 25, 2004 15:41
Yesterday was one of thee best days! We played Fordson and we won !! ([freshman and varsity won too]) then after our game.. me, ash, and jaci walked to bk. lol. that was tooo funny. ash-"why dont i bring ad?" lmao. we must have laughed for 20 minutes strait! haha. then after our game.. jacis mom took us back to my house to get my clothes, then to jaci to get hers, then back to ashleys to stay the nite. [ Umm. yea we had some visitors lol. JD and Jake came by :-) ((no AD for jaci tho :-/ LMAO)) we watched nemo.. "Oh my gosh, Nemos swimming out to see!" hahahha. then we watched the ring. haha ashley has a hard throw! well. then they left and me and ashley and jaci stayed up a lil and talked. ..werd.. lol then we had bball at 10 in the mornin!! we got our shoes! lol wow i <3 ashley and jaci so much. we have soo many good times together and so many more to come! and i love olivia and chelsea dearly too <3 -jay annd aud. i of course love them to- sofie my dearest. ill be waitin for my chocolate covered chocolates! :-P
We play wyandotte tomorrow. wish me luck!!! :-D thanks bee and trish for wishin me lots of luck yesterday! i <3 you ladies