Aug 26, 2005 16:21
So every month I send out a newsletter to our customers with their monthly statements...
I got the newletters today and was sorting them out to put in to the airbags for the companys other states and thought I would have a read of it... And right up the top under our company logo... The first paragraph says...
May I please set the record straight Pentax were the first to introduce the $999 Digital SLR with the launch of the *ist DL last month. Rumour has it that one of our competitors is leaving the MP3 market after a disasterous attempt to enter this field. I strongly suggest they leave the Digital SLR market as well. The last thing the world needs now is an incompatible new lens mount.
On ACA they had a segment saying Olympus was the first ever to release a $999 digital SLR, when it wasn't, it was us... And their MP3 player the m:robe will be taken off the market next month, because they suck arse!
iRiver all the way baby!
Speaking of iRiver I think we'll be looking for a new person soon to help with the iRiver tech support because we are getting so many calls about them now :D
Wooooo hoooooo i'm going for a drink tonight with everyone from the Family Court!