"Aqua Mala," The Old Man said. "You whore."

Jul 18, 2005 21:22

Can we please cut this crap out? Can we please talk and think about something other than being in a relationship? It seems as though this thought runs the world for teenagers. It seems like thats all they care or think about. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SILLYNESS! and for goodness sake, have at least some self confidence. All of you that are reading this, (yes I know who you are) all of you are beautiful, inside and out.
Just needed to get that out of my system.
Anyways, I just finished readin a book today. The Old Man and the Sea. I enjoyed very much. The Old Man is really insane and says silly things soemtimes. It makes me laugh. The story reminds me of my Great Grandpa, whenever he comes to thanksgiving dinner he always tells the story of when he caught a huge bule marline or whatever there called. Anyways, the Old Man, has gone 85 days without catching a fish and he is extremely poor because he hasnt caught a fish and made any money lately. It obvious that eventully in hte story he will catch a fish. Well it turns out that in the middle of the book a fish eats his bait and is hooked. Then the next quarter of the book is just the Old Man and his insaneness creeping out. The story is really dragged out, but I like it, anyways, it takes him forever to catch the fish that he has had hooked for three days which is like 60 pages of the book. When he does kill the fish it all beauitfully written and GLORIOUS but then it seems as though nothing can be good so the Old Man is all Scrawny and tired and stuff becuase hes old and hes been tryign to catch this fish for three dyas straight and he hasnt been on land in awhile so while he is trying to bring back the fish after he has killed him he is attacked by sharks. I counted, like 7 of them attacking him and he killed everysingle one of them. But they all took a big bite out of his fish because sharks suck and so when he finally gets home his fish is only a skeleton. So he makes no money and its sad. and thats the end. Great book.
Ok well I have to go practice guitare.
Later my loves,
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