Thats at the school pot luck, lets see theirs Hannah, Kori, Veronica, and Cat
Thats Cat and Roman at Party Pig.
That would be Cat on the phone and Roman kept hitting his hand on that cardboard dudes wiener.
The this is at Veronicas house and we were all tryign to look pregnate. I heart my belly.
So then we dressed Roman up like a girl. Aw.
That woudl be catrina putting maskara on him.
Thats his full body shot. And hes holding a fake gun that he bought at Party Pig.
Oh silly Catrina and her makeup.
WOuldnt Cat make a great mom?
I think so.
Is it me or does Catrina look like she could pass as a 17 in this picture?
And that could be catring doing a bring it on cheer in her Power Rangers underwear. can kinda see my hair...:/