Aug 22, 2008 23:10
1. Do you like blue cheese?
No... In fact, I don't like green cheese, purple cheese, pink cheese...
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
No. Not a smoke kinda girl.
3. Do you own a gun?
I'm more old-fashioned than that.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
I stay away from Sonic.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Unless they are grilled or cooked in a fire pit, I don't touch them.
7. Favorite Christmas Song?
Rrrrrr... Don't really care for X-mas songs.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Anything high octane considering morning just isn't in my vocab.
9. Can you do push ups?
Not so much...
10. What's your favorite meal?
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
My moonstone fixed in a moon necklace.
12. Favorite hobby?
13. Do you work with people who idolize you?
I go to school... I keep to myself most of the time.
14. Do you have A.D.D?
15. What's one trait that you dislike about yourself?
Not sure...
16. Middle name?
Physical middle name is Marie.
17. Name 3 thoughts at this moment.
(a) Headaches suck.
(b) I'm impressed with my playa beef stew.
(c) These things are funny.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday:
(a) Rebar
(b) Channel locks
(c) Masks
20. Current worry right now?
Two professors won't get my email before next week and drop me out of their class.
21. Current hate right now?
Religion in government.
22. Favorite place to be?
23. How did you bring in the New Year?
With a hobbet.
24. Where would you like to go?
Ireland and Greece.
25. Name three people who will complete this?
26. Whose answer do you want to read the most?
27. What color shirt are you wearing?
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
29. Can you whistle?
Sort of.
30. Favorite color(s)?
Crimson red and indigo blue.
31. Would you be a pirate?
I could roll like that.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I normally don't sing in the shower
33. Favorite girl's name?
Lily, Rose... I dunno...
34. Favorite boy's name?
Skylar, Bryant.
35. What's in your pocket right now?
Nothing! :)
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Me teasing Morph to death.
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Fresh out of the dryer.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
Cat bite.
39. Do you love where you live?
Its not bad... I wish I were home in Ireland though.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Just one.
41. Who is your loudest friend?
42. How many dogs do you have?
Nada. I wish I had a husky/wolf.
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
*scratches head* Yes.
45. What is your favorite book?
I'm really digging the HP series right now. I know, I know... I'm *way* behind.
46. What is your favorite candy?
Reeses Cups
47. What is your favorite sports team?
Don't have one.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
What the?
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
I'll wake up in another hour *smacks several alarms*