Apr 11, 2010 00:46
It's been almost TWO years since I last posted in this blog. Wow. I'm taken back to the days of using the LJ client, using flickr to host photos, and the little "mood" select menu. Those were also the days of worrying about university assessment, procrastinating to the Max... It feels strange writing here again, re-visiting those more innocent days when my LJ friends and I hadn't started our Brilliant Careers and Mid-Life Crisis'.
The reason I always wrote 'friends only' was because I wasn't sure who would read it. But for this post, fuck it: I'm reclaiming back my old blogging identity, and this public post is a declaration that I'm going to begin writing more regularly again. Maybe I should just get a new user name, shed some of that old baggage associated with this one and begin afresh....