May 17, 2004 19:10
I MADE IT THROUGH ONE OF THE SCARY PROJECT ADVENTURE "TASKS" This one was where: you had to climb HIGH up into a tree. Climbing was sooo hard! The pegs are wicked like NOT close together horizontally or vertically and it was hard! Then, I had to push against the rope infront on my at like alittle below the shoulder length while i walked across this wire to the other tree. So scary! I thought it would be easier. haha i should prepared myself more mentally than I had. So i made it to the tree and then you come back out and grab the rope thats attached to your (rope, hand-made harness that you make yes you you make ahh!) harness, and you lean back and Mr.Girotti lets you down. Woah going down was the funnest part. Woah. I feel Accompished...