Fifty First Summons: Another loss

Oct 08, 2011 00:47

[Ai has been following Kikuri's drone around recently. But she's starting to realize that the little girl isn't going to snap out of it. People who know Ai may have noticed that she's even quieter then normal.

Much quieter and absent.

She's spent the last two days, hiding in her room. But life goes on, and avoiding school ends up with you being droned. So on Friday....

A. Ai is at school. She's not paying attention to anything. Like where she's looking as she walks down the hallway. Trip on the little girl?

B. At the library. She's constructed a fort out of books and blankets in the children's section and is setting up the inside of her fort. You'll see a little girl either in the fort, or around the library with piles of books.

C. Under the cherry blossom tree in her front yard, patting her kitty. Watching the people who walk down the street. Hopefully you're not scared by creepy girls with blood red eyes staring at you as you walk.]

missing family, trying to cheer up, emotions suck, barricading myself in my room, reading

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