The Office "Weight Loss"

Oct 05, 2008 15:25

Here's my (late) picspam for the awesome season premiere of The Office. I was so glad to have them back that I was giggling during the first ten minutes. I've watched it three times, and it gets better everytime. The Office is officially my favorite tv show currently on television.

That was awkward... Andy's facial expression is priceless.

- Oops ex-squeeze me.
- No, I will ex-squeeze you.

"Really? Nothing?"

Hello there.

A Jim and Michael moment. I love those. Jim can't go to the bathroom because Michael keeps following him there...

I swear, Holly is getting bullied.

"I have a fiance I very much like."
We all believe you.

PRICELESS! Did he fall off the stairs because he was getting too fast, or did fall off on purpose to go faster? We're talking about Michael here. Let's think about that for a second.

Aww than eew. Aaah Michael's awkward gestures ^^

"Pam's always said she doesn't want a long engagement. Something in her past I guess. Not really sure of the whole story. Something about a guy who used to work here..."

"Fancy meeting you here."


I love what Holly does with her jacket at the end xD I ship those two dorks.

"Dunder Mifflin this is Ronnie."

Something's wrong.

"I don't really know Ronnie. But I have a feeling I will get to know her very well over the next few years, and eventually declare my love for her."

Jim <333 It's funny how he goes back with humor on his "epic" story with Pam, like he did with the Roy's comment.

"Wait back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?"

That was so humiliating. Poor Holly. I didn't think we would get back on this. Brian delivers his line perfectly. Angela's enjoying ^^


Such a cute Jam scene. Why does Michael keep interupting them ? ^^

"We are following Pam to the supply shell."

Jim and Pam wave at each other <3

"Can you give me back to Jim now please?"


In the right place, at the righ time.

The real crime was the beard.

"If you gain weight, you will die."

I love Michael's smile. So inapropriate.

"All I care about is that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together."

I'm not a Dwight/Angela nor a Andy/Angela shipper. I pretty much don't care about Dwight and Angela's love life. But I though this scene was really cute. I like how she doesn't go to Dwight because of Andy's little speech. That was sweet.

I love Pam's look to the camera. So real and so cute.

Ryan's back!

"I'm keeping a list of everyone who wrongs me. So when I'm back on top they'll all be sorry."

"I was in my mid-twenties, I was going through a lot of stuffs, I think I never processed 9/11... I want you to know I've changed."

"I am beautiful."

It had been a long time since Michael was that rude. Though, Steve saying "I am beautiful" is hilarious and Rainn's imitation of Michael Clump is priceless.

"Everything, she's perfect."

That was pretty cute. But we all know he doesn't love Kelly the way she loves him. He's such a jerk. I'll be glad if they get back together though. They were funny.


He proposed in front of a rest stop. It could have been awfully unromantic. But it wasn't because they're so much in love it doesn't matter. They are such a simple couple, and they look so happy. Smiling while kissing is the best. I'm not looking forward to a wedding. Mariage and married couple are boring. But the writers have been so good writting this couple, that even if they get married in this season, I'm sure they'll remain the Jam I love.

MICHAEL!!!! C'MON! How can he be that stupid? I hope it's not totally ruined because I love those two. I liked Jan/Michael, but Holly and Michael are totrally soul mates.

"Wet tuna!"

Jim smiley pants radiates happiness. <333

Caps are from meganlynn09

[tv] the office, ! review, ! picspam

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