1. What did you do in 2024 that you'd never done before?
I released my first book!!! I moved in with someone I love!
2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
3. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully, no.
4. What countries did you visit?
Mexico. (For the THIRD time! I mean why try to fix something not broke?)
5. What would you like to have
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On the good side of that? Like you said, there’s really not much left to do but give up, and “giving up” never felt so efficient before! I’ve never had so much “free” time (although all that is spent on brain rotting activity). I’m bracing for whatever is next. I felt this way once before, about a year or so before the pandemic when I felt an uncontrollable need to quickly quit my job and get the fuck out of NYC. I turned out to be right that something big was brewing. I’m contemplating just quitting my job and taking a year off. But I’m afraid I’d spend that year in wasteful ways, so I keep dragging my feet.
I want to have hope too! And I have it somewhere deep down, which is why I keep hoping for hope. I’m so glad you found the House of Yum (and that I moved to Seward Park)! Buckle up. This next year may be a doozie.
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