My Annual New Year Post

Dec 31, 2023 12:43

1. What did you do in 2023 that you'd never done before?
I was an "artist"-in-residence. Never thought I'd do that one!

2. Did anyone close to you give birth?

3. Did anyone close to you die?
My aunt Ruby on my dad's side.

4. What countries did you visit?
Mexico. (Still not venturing far.)

5. What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?
Dignity and appreciation in the workplace

6. What dates from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
October 7th's Hamas attack of Israel has certainly changed a lot of things... (I fear for our upcoming elections.)

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I was pretty impressed with myself for leading my first official "tree/history walk"... (in collaboration with Vanishing Seattle) and that it sold out in less than 30 minutes and then -- when we offered a second date -- it sold out in less than 30 minutes again. I never knew I had "tour guide" in me.

8. What was your biggest failure?
Agreeing to go to my cousin's bachelorette party in Joshua Tree IN THE MIDDLE OF A HEAT WAVE IN JULY when I know she's always been a crazy narcissist wacko. I completely blame myself for assuming things had somehow magically changed and that I expected anything less than what happened: she went ape-shit bridezilla on everyone; 911 was called at one point and, when the paramedics couldn't find anything wrong with her, she screamed at them until they agreed to give her a ride to the ER where the doctors rolled their eyes, gave her an Advil, and sent her home; and, in the petulant 4am Uber drive back, she managed to knock out the entire township's water supply).

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?
My left wrist is permanently fucked and it hurts to put any pressure on it or do yoga now.

10. What was the best thing you bought?
I finally got a car in Seattle: A used Mini Cooper S

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My sweet boyfriend. Again.

12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The privileged, uninformed-yet-somehow-righteous (?) (always white!) people I actually personally know who have parroted and amplified Islamophobic, radical-Z propaganda (often without even any self-awareness!) to deflect from and/or justify the mass killing and dehumanization of innocent Palestinians (and then think they're being smart and clever by weaponizing the word "antisemite" to silence any criticism of a patently corrupt government). How dare anyone conflate what is happening with anyone's faith? I feel solidarity with my Jewish friends the same way I do with my Muslim friends: our respective governments do not speak for us, so please keep our religions out of your dirty mouths. People who still have faith and humanity are unified in demanding an end to all terrorism: Cease fire. Stop funding & perpetuating this violence.

13. Where did most of your money go?
Micron pens. Those things are fucking expensive.

14. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a. Happier or sadder? At this moment, sadder.
b. Fatter or Thinner? Fatter.
c. Richer or poorer? Who knows anymore. These days, you have to be richer just to maintain the lifestyle you already had, but if it doesn't feel "richer", does it count?

15. What do you wish you'd done more of?
I spent a lot of time shuttling back and forth between my place and my boyfriend's place, which is exhausting and means I spent less time with my friends and I always felt harried. I need to fix that this year.

16. What do you wish you'd done less of?
There are days in my remote-working life where I wake up, join a Zoom meeting, and then before I know it, it's night and I haven't even left the apartment. I really, REALLY don't want to do that anymore.

17. How many one-night stands?
This is a good reminder that Tom needs to get some nightstands. I'm tired of having nowhere to put my eyeglasses.

18. Did you fall in love in 2023?
Still in it!

19. What was your favorite TV program?
"Succession" went out with a bang.

20. What did you want and get?
I made a book!

21. What did you want and not get?
Pride and satisfaction in the finished product (I got the galley copy and I can't stand looking at it because all I see are mistakes!)

22. What was your favorite film of this year?
Barbie was really fun but then again, the one or two movies I actually see in a theater anymore are always fun.

23. What did you do on your birthday?
My dear friends threw me a party at a loft that was way cooler and hipper than me (I feel so lucky every single day that I am surrounded by such good people).

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being in shape.

25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?
Is "circus-core" a phrase yet?

26. What kept you sane?
Honestly, my book kept me sane (even though it was also the thing that almost drove me insane). Thank God I had something to focus on outside of work.

27. What political issue stirred you the most?
See #12

28. Who did you miss?
My aunt Ruby and her husband.

29. Who was the best new person you met?

30. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023?
Everyone with kids eventually gets divorced.
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