Jul 11, 2005 19:20
oh my gawddddddddd so there's this reallllllyyyyyyyyy hot guy but it's too bad becuase he's, like, totally in love with gabby. D: i think his name is...ben? ben....mckenzie...i think. HE IS SO HAWT OH EM EF GEE. i wish he were mineeeeeeeeeeeeee. :( Cheryl: "I hecks of do not want to run those 40 40's." YES CHERYL I CONCURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :( 40s suck. :( :( *SLITS WRISTS* GABBY IS SO HOT WOAH MY GOD SHE BETTER MARRY ME. NOW. BITCH >_>. harry potter comes out in 5 daysssssssssssssssss. yep, he's coming out: HE'S GAY! JAY KAY! oh em gee that rhymed! omg my favorite classes were heiner and campana during the school year. because likeeeeeeee. gabby was in those classes. *WINKS* haaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T_T
speed camp is hard
GO TEAM NUMERO UNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUS.
YOU KNOW WHAT?! GAN NI MA, coach clementeeeeeeeee. YEAHHHHH. biatch.
well i must gooooooooooooooooo nowwwwwwww. D: WO AI NI!!!!
actually, <3gabby.