FIC: Something Like Seduction

May 09, 2012 20:33

Title: Something like Seduction
Part: Standalone
Author: miss_drea_fic
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Jack/Will, Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Will’s life as Captain of The Flying Dutchman is hard enough as it is - he doesn’t need to be torn between his two greatest loves. Until he isn’t and Jack is a pirate.
Disclaimer: The Mouse owns it all.


Burning kisses trailed along his smooth jaw, a nimble tongue leaving a wet path down the side of his neck, to finally rest in a playful nip at his collarbone. William arched his neck unbidden and a seductive chuckle wound its way up towards his ears. The mouth slid downward, over warm muscle and sinew, as calloused hands pushed away Will’s worn shirt.

The mouth paused only momentarily over the large and angry scar where Will’s heart once lay, but the pause was more brief than ever before, less meaningful, and the moment passed. For a blink, Will wondered if one day, the pause would not be there. After all, he thought brokenly between gasps, Jack had made the same pause on the scars on his back. But now those were just another part of him, and no longer something of note or worth. Shaken, Will’s hand lowered onto the back of his lovers head, silently reassuring and encouraging and he felt the smile against his skin.

The rhythm returned and Will’s breeches slipped off his narrow hips onto the floor of the slightly damp cabin. The sound of knees hit the floor and the wicked mouth danced designs over Will’s too prominent hip bones, wrenching a keening noise from the dead man. He tried to gasp something out but his voice failed him, and he could only moan incoherently as the mouth lowered and licked delicately over the top of Will’s member.

The hand William had left on Jack’s head for reassurance quickly became encouragement as he pressed down gently, urging for more without using words. But the mouth was gone again and Will cried out in frustrated desire, pulling his lover back up for a kiss.

But as always, Will’s lips glanced off Jack’s cheek, for Jack had never once kissed him.

“I don’t see how you can do everything else,” William grumbled into the pillow, “but you won’t kiss me.”

“Kissing is for whores, dear William. Kisses don’ mean a thing.” Jack’s teeth nibbled on the rim of his ear. “You aren’t my whore.”

So Will settled for the quick slick of hands and oil, moaning in all the right ways at all the right times, as Jack slipped into him. Then time lost meaning and substance lost feeling, as Will let go and the ocean rocked them to sleep, the sound of his heart beat rushing out the sound of anything else in the room.

Jack’s mouth moved listlessly over Will’s shoulder forming words, and thoughts, but he never had the heart to say them aloud. Or worse...mean them.

Jack was never there in the morning.


Elizabeth had promised him forever, somewhere along the line, though she never could remember the finer details of her hasty marriage to William Turner. Occasionally, when things were rough, she rankled at the fact that Barbossa had presided over the slam-shod ceremony, and the ceremony itself burned with shame on worse days.

She’d managed to make a life for herself off the coast of Nice, in France, unable to live in Port Royal (for it didn’t survive much longer than two years after everything went down at worlds end) and the Caribbean held only trivial memories. It was a little terrifying, she mused, staring out to sea, to realize how much she had grown up.

A month after Will went back to the Dutchman for the first time, she bled, and realized with a pang that perhaps a dead man couldn’t father children, even if he did ‘live’ once every ten years. Will had never outwardly said that he wanted children, but the longing in his eyes told her otherwise.

So six months after she moved to Nice - which was roughly seven months after her wedding day - Jack Sparrow showed up on the horizon, in a small sloop named ‘The Revenge’ which was almost ironic if not for the sadness on his face. “The Pearl?” she asked, dreading the answer.

“Barbossa,” Jack spat, keeping a strange distance from her even as she hugged him.

“What are you going to do?” Elizabeth asked, keeping one hand on his waist though he seemed uncomfortable with the touch. “What are we going to do?” she rephrased a moment later when he didn’t respond.

He looked at her sharply. “Nothing,” he said firmly, “you will do nothing.” For the first time he initiated the touch between them, placing his hand low on her belly. “For the babe’s sake.”

She covered his hand with hers. “There is no babe,” she whispered painfully. “Jack...Will’s dead. I don’t know why I thought...” the futility swamped her a moment later and even though tears ran unchecked down her face, Jack didn’t move towards her. “...I don’t know why I thought he could...” she choked out the rest of her sentence but still Jack stared at her impassively. “I’m sorry ” she shouted at him, “I’m sorry I chained you to the mast I’m sorry ”

He looked at her calmly, no sign of the craziness she’d grown used to. “No, you’re not,” he murmured evenly. “You only are because you think I want you to be.” There was something unidentifiable in his eyes when he stared her down. “Pirate.”

Her lips parted and through the lump in her throat she managed, “Hypocrite.”

When their lips met, she wasn’t surprised, but she was surprised that in the morning he was gone, having left a small black feather on her pillow.


When she didn’t bleed the next month, she wondered if the whole point of his visit had been to get her pregnant.

He didn’t return to her cottage on the hill in Nice until long after William Turner the Third had been born, and when he did, his eyes were just as impassive as always.


William sat beside his son, not speaking, just staring out at the waves. Finally, ‘Liam turned to his father and said in a voice much too wise to come from an almost-ten year old, “if mum waited, why are you still going away?”

Will reached out and pulled his son tight to his side, feeling ‘Liam’s tears dampening his shirt sleeves. “The Dutchman always must have a captain, son. I don’t want to do it anymore than you do.”

“I want you to come home father Uncle Jack isn’t...” ‘Liam sniffed and wiped his nose with his coat. “Uncle Jack is only here sometimes.”

Will’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Uncle Jack, huh?”

‘Liam nodded frantically. “Yes He’s lost his ship, he says, and he needs to find it again.” His father’s eyes sharpened, and ‘Liam realized that whatever he had said had sparked his father’s interest. The almost ten year old waved his hands emphatically. “He told me he’s on a misson for his Pearl for the last...” the boy wrinkled his nose. “Ten years. Are you going to take your great ruddy ship and find it for him, papa?” he burst out excitedly, but waned when William gave him a severe look. “It was just a question,” he muttered petulantly.

Will cleared his throat. “Great ruddy ship?” he repeated, and ‘Liam colored bright red. “If your mother has been using those words...”

‘Liam shook his head energetically. “Uncle Jack does, but mama hits him round the head and he shuts up good and proper.”

Her light chuckle sounded from behind them. “He’s exaggerating. Something else he picked up from Jack.” Elizabeth sat beside them, leaning delicately on Will’s shoulder and Will wondered about the hesitancy she touched him with.

“I can see that,” Will murmured, kissing her on the top of the head absently. “But he’s right,” here ‘Liam grinned. “I wager that Barbossa’s run off with The Black Pearl again...” Will glanced out at sea, “I can get her back.”

Elizabeth craned her head to look at him. “How?”

“She was begot by ocean,” William said, sounding suddenly very old and not himself, “water holds her joints together, and if she had veins, she would be living salt and sea...” he trailed off. “I suppose Jack is much the same way. If I call loud enough, they both will come.”

‘Liam looked thoroughly impressed. “Really?” he said, tugging on his father’s shirt, “Could you do it now?”

Will smiled indulgently. “What would be the point? By the time Jack got here, my day would be over. I’m certainly not going to wait for him.” He tested the waters of their conversation, sick at heart when his wife blanched at the idea.

Elizabeth sniffed once. “Why not?” she asked tightly, as though she was in some pain. “What has he done?”

“Nothing,” Will said softly, lying sweetly through his teeth. “Nothing at all.”

But when the sun set and William rose to head towards shore, there was a tightness in his eyes that hadn’t been there previously. “William,” she whispered, reaching up to kiss him, keeping a strange distance between their bodies, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he responded, “but the sea rushes through your son in much the same way as it does through Jack.”

“Your son...?” she whispered, the color draining from her face leaving her ashen, “what do you...Will...”

His fingers were gentle when he lifted her face. “I do love you, Elizabeth. But ‘Liam is no more mine than you ever were. I release you from your promise,” he added slowly, “you no longer have to wait for me.”

She moved to respond, to throw her arms around him, but her arms embraced water as it fell into the sea. She too sank to her knees and screamed into the surf, her words lost to the wind and water, her son watching sadly in the distance. He would never know that his beloved father wasn’t truly his father, nor would he know that Uncle Jack was actually the one who sired him. He ran over to his mother to hug and calm her, whispering that ten years wasn’t so very long at all.


The pain that had been burning on the tip of his tongue and the muscles of his arms burst forth when the water carried him onto the ship of his shackles. He shouted wordlessly, slamming his fist into the wall of his cabin until even the dull thudding didn’t help anymore.

The door was flung open a moment later, and strong arms embraced him, and Will let himself for a second be comforted. “What is it that ails you, Captain?”

“I’m a hypocrite,” he whispered back, shaking minutely, allowing himself to be weak. “I’m such a fucking hypocrite.”

Hands rubbed concentric circles on his scarred back, not even pausing when the material caught on his raised flesh. “Tell me.”

“My son,” he whispered, “my beautiful son is not mine.” The hands paused for the barest minute before returning to their soothing movements. “She...wasn’t faithful, but the worst of it is...Jack was the one the honor was bestowed to. Fucking Jack Sparrow...”

The hands ceased their movement entirely and instead pulled him closer. “I don’t understand...why...?”

“Dead men tell no tales,” Will said, “nor can they, apparently, bear children.”

“Forgive me if I’m wrong, Captain,” he said, “but how does that make you a hypocrite?”

Will’s laugh was bitter and mirthless. “Because the man she was unfaithful with...was the same I did when I treated her the same courtesy.” Shocked silence filled the cabin. “You can’t arrest me now, James,” Will said, pulling back from the ex-commodore. “But I don’t have to tell you it was the first and only time.”

Norrington snorted. “If I were to arrest you, Mr. Turner,” he drawled sounding like his old living self, “I would have to arrest most of the damn Naval command.”

Finding his footing again, Will chuckled. “That’s Captain to you, deckhand.”

James aimed a half-hearted swipe at him, and the moment was gone, lost in the sea . “What are you going to do about Sparrow?”

William’s eyes hardened. “Find him.”


When Jack felt the pull, several days later, he found it very odd as he laid in bed alone, that he was suddenly, randomly and completely aroused. He’d been drifting somewhere between sleep and wake, his body relaxed as he planned how to rescue his precious Pearl.

And then, wakefulness, and the confounding arousal that pounded between his eyes and between his legs. As he reached down to relieve himself of the irritating nuisance, he found himself much wider awake than he thought possible. Subsiding the idea to take care of the prominent problem, he listened carefully, and heard Just outside the small port window sounded the crashing of several waves. Waves that were crashing against something that was not his small sloop.


He half sat up, his limbs belabored and heavy, as though he was trying to walk through...

William stepped into the room, the wall wet as he passed.


“William,” he gasped out, unwilling to admit his shock. He sat up fluidly, finding the heaviness receding the closer Will got. “Surprised to see you, isn’t today the day you see your true love fair?”

The other captain’s eyebrow quirked, deepening the eyebrow crease that Jack had always wondered how it would feel against his tongue. “That was a few days ago,” he answered in an odd tone of voice. A prickling of fear wound its way up Jack’s spine, but he had no time to contemplate why, as in the next moment, Will shimmered onto the bed beside Jack. “I’m surprised to see you,” Jack said, forcing a note of carefree ne’er-do-well into his voice. “Why are you here, dearest William?”

In a surprising, and surprisingly not surprising move, Will leaned forward and gently captured Jack’s lips. in a kiss. Jack tilted his head to deepen the unexpectedly sweet kiss, but found instead that the deeper it got, the sweeter it felt, and the achingly tender press of lips to lips systematically hollowed out Jack’s insides. “William ” he gasped, pulling away to breathe. “What...?”

But he never finished his sentence, and William kissed him again. Jack had only been kissed like this once, that he could remember, once when he’d been young and stupid, fancying himself in love with a woman that had been so far out of his league that when she dared to kiss him, he’d realized he didn’t want her after all. That kiss had done nothing to raise his passion or complete the empty space he liked to ignore.

Yet, William’s tender kiss made him moan in the back of his throat and rear up to press harder and tighter, wrapping long fingers around Will’s neck and waist. When Will pulled away he was smiling. “Shut up, Jack,” he murmured, almost kindly, and kissed him again. The kisses pulled long and hard and when Will’s tongue finally slipped into Jack’s mouth and the tenderness melted away into familiar lust, Jack relaxed fully and let William undress him slowly.

When Will’s lips left his and began a downward spiral over his tattoos and scars, Will took each design and pattern and traced it with his tongue, kissing the ends and the beginnings and each of the lines in between. He nipped over muscle and licked the red marks he left, leaving Jack straining at in his pants and writhing beneath him.

It wasn’t until Will’s lips rested over his member while it was still encased in canvas breeches, that Jack started to wonder why he was letting Will take the reigns. It was too easy to call out things when he wasn’t in charge, too easy to let things go, and when he twisted his hips to roll them over, to gather himself, all he managed was a weak thrust, and the strange heaviness settled around him again, binding him spread eagled better than any rope or chain ever could.

And William smiled, a small, almost predatory smile, that was sadistic in its glee. “Sorry, mate,” he said, his breath ghosting over Jack’s dick, “but there is water in your blood.”

Fear slid the rest of the way up Jack’s spine, and his skin seemed ultra sensitive as the rough canvas was peeled off his legs and discarded somewhere across the room. There were scars on his legs too, and Will ignored Jack’s cock even though it was pressed high against his belly in arousal. Will continued to skate his mouth over the small scars he found on Jack’s knees, chuckling inwardly at the thought of a younger boy falling over himself and scraping up his knees.

He kissed down the arch of Jack’s foot, feeling the muscles jerk and with a short nip on the end of one of his toes, Will rose back over him, just barely touching. “William,” begged Jack, trying to move but still finding it too hard to do so. “What are you doing?”

“Tasting you,” was the answer. “Feeling you.” He slipped a hand over and around Jack’s leaking cock, dancing light fingers up and down the veins and pulses. He studied it, almost academically, and Jack gasped and panted and jerked unable to do anything but let it happen. So when Will settled himself on Jack’s lap, still clothed and pressing, Jack choked out another cry and opened his eyes.

“William...” he whined, finding enough force left to rut his hips against Will’s ass. “Please.”

“I thought kissing was for whores...” William mused, not moving. “But I find it fascinating odd that Elizabeth enjoys your kisses.” Jack ceased moving, ceased breathing and gazed up at Will’s dark eyes. “I also find it passing strange...” he murmured, “that my son has your blood, your sea, coursing through him.”

Jack gasped again as clothing melted away and Will slid down, down, down, and seated Jack inside him. “Do you love her?” Will spat out, riding Jack hard, sweat running down his back and neck, leaning over the pirate’s face. “Do you?”

“Yes ” Jack cried out, and Will stopped moving, stopped breathing, and dropped his head onto Jack’s chest.

“Then why?” came the whisper, “why this?” Jack didn’t answer, only thrust as much as his limited mobility allowed.

So Will moved again, releasing Jack from the invisible bonds and they came together, wrenching the feeling from each other, and holding on tightly in the darkness that followed.


When Jack woke up the next morning, they were moving again, he could tell by the rocking of the waves. He rose quickly, throwing on the minimum of clothing needed to be decent, and went topside. Will stood at the helm, instructing the helmsman on what course to follow.

Deceptively mild, Jack asked, “William, what is it that you think you’re doing?”

The smile that Will gave Jack was blinding in its intensity. “I’m making it up to you. The that way.”

Jack raised an eyebrow. “And how do you suppose we get her back with this bucket of bolts?”

The sadistic smile was back and when Will twitched a hand, somewhere off to the port side, a mast broke water. “That’s how,” Will murmured to the wind.

“And where are we going right now?” Jack asked, knowing instinctively there was a catch.

“We’re going to get my wife.” The expression on his face dared Jack to refute his statement, so Jack stayed silent, watching, waiting. “I suppose,” Will added softly as an apology, “that this is something the three of us...really need to do.” He wasn’t talking about rescuing The Pearl.

Jack nodded. “I agree, Captain Turner,” he said loud enough to be heard by the helmsman. “But next time you have a brilliantly stupid idea,” he smiled to take the sting away, “then please, remember to tell me first.” He wasn’t talking about The Pearl either.

“My apologies, Captain Sparrow,” Will said, grinning. “Next time I’ll be sure to remember.”

So when Will sidled up to Jack later when he took the wheel, and surreptitiously slipped his hand onto Jack’s hip, Jack didn’t really mind, and even allowed himself to lean every so slightly into the undead Captain. (Or was it dead? He never could figure out the semantics of it...)


The sea coast of the Mediterranean was warm and balmy, the bright blue water lapping at the edges of The Revenge, and The Dutchman was almost completely visible in shallower water. When Jack pointed it out, Will shrugged and with a lazy flick of his wrist, the Dutchman shimmered once, twice and was gone.

The small cottage on the hill came into view and Will turned to Jack. “You told me last night that you loved her.”

Forcing his expression to be blank, Jack said, “I would have said anything you wanted me to last night.”

“So you don’t love her?” Will asked archly, creasing his eyebrow again, “I find that hard to believe. You got her pregnant, at least, so I suppose if I must give her away to you, than at least you care.”

Jack shook his head. “I didn’t get her pregnant on purpose, mate.” At Will’s disbelieving look, he amended, “a’right, perhaps I did, but it was for you, more than anything.”

William snorted. “Thanks everso, Jack. How did Elizabeth take that?” Jack didn’t respond, and Will nodded. “Thought so.” They gazed out over the ocean again, “even so,” Will mused, “how can I keep her knowing that I can’t give her what she needs?”

“She loves you, mate,” Jack answered.

“She loves you too,” Will responded. “Don’t bother to deny it, she does. She might’ve hated you once, but there was something there, an attraction or possibly even intrigue.”

Jack frowned fiercely into the sun, wary to look at William. “So what, then?” he growled. “You lose either way?”

Will’s laugh was almost bitter. “I certainly can’t have both of you, can I?” Jack turned and stared at him, but Will waved him off. “Don’t bother,” he added, “I’m not an idiot, no matter what you might say. Take her, and love her, and try to remember me at least.”

Water splashed down onto the deck and Jack knew that as soon as he convinced little ‘Liam and Elizabeth onto the boat, they’d all four be off to rescue the Pearl. And perhaps, he mused, watching his skeleton crew lay out the gangplank, a little seduction was in order.


“You mean to say that Will is out there, right now, waiting for ‘Liam and I?” Elizabeth screeched, and Jack hid his wince behind his hat.

“I mean to say,” he agreed, holding up one hand to stave off the ensuing shouts. “He knows where My Pearl is,” he said, effusing just the right amount of longing into his tone.

Predictably Elizabeth melted a little and held out her arms for Jack. Willingly he went into them, winking at a grinning ‘Liam in the corner. “Oh Jack, I’m so sorry,” she whispered. The teasing mood fled as he realized that he was in for another conversation where they said what they didn’t mean and hid their messages inside the statements they crafted.

“I know it’s terrible,” he said, trying to sound appropriately distressed. “Barbossa’s going to fuck up my ship again.” I know you are, now come and fix the rest of it.

Though she wore an indulgent smile, she scolded, “Jack, watch your language,” and he held up his hands in surrender. “I can’t go, anyway, I have too much to do here.” Shut up, you idiot, you know he doesn’t want to see me.

“It can wait, take the boy, have one more adventure before you’re too old,” he cajoled, taking her hands and pulling her around to look out the window. Yes you can, you know you can, you don’t have much time left.

“But the house, the long will this take?” she asked, a pleading in her eyes. People will it even fixable?

“As long as it needs to,” he promised. “Come on, last adventure.” It will always be fixable.

“All right,” she agreed quietly. “But ‘Liam stays in the cabin if there’s a fight.” I’ll take your word for it, but if you’re wrong...

Inwardly cheering, Jack nodded emphatically. “Of course he will ” he said, winking again at the pouting youth. “Never would have thought otherwise.” You’re in for a surprise, Liz, I have an idea.

Knowledge lit her eyes from the inside and she nodded again, understanding his silent message. “Pack your things, ‘Liam,” she said happily, “we’re going to see your father.”

Jack grinned and shot a jaunty wave out the window, knowing that if Will could see him, he’d be rolling his eyes. (He was.)


William didn’t meet them on the deck of The Revenge, like Jack thought he would. Instead, a scruffy around the edges but still clearly regal Commodore stood at the ready. Several men Jack didn’t recognize stood behind him.


“Captain Sparrow,” James said, managing almost to keep the mocking out of his voice, “I am here along with several others of Captain Turner’s crew to help sail your bucket of bolts - his words not mine - to further your speed in catching your ship.” He glanced over at Elizabeth who was staring in watery shock. “Elizabeth.”

“James...” she whispered and twitched as though she wished to move towards him, but was restrained by propriety.

Taking pity on her, (and her son, by extension as he looked terribly confused) Jack said, “reunions I love reunions Drinks all around. And perhaps hugs. I suppose death merits hugs, don’t you agree dear former Commodore?”

That was all the hint that Elizabeth needed. She stepped forward twice and hugged James tightly, whispering ‘sorrys’ into his ear. ‘Liam looked up at Jack. “Uncle Jack?” he asked and the pirate focused on him. “Is this another Uncle I’d never get to meet?”

Jack nodded. “Something like that. He’s an old friend of your mum’s and da’s. Name’s James. Go introduce yourself.” When ‘Liam toddled off to join his mother, Jack turned and faced the water. “Coward,” he told it succinctly.

The water bubbled but didn’t respond otherwise.


That night, Jack leaned down and hung halfway upside down over the railing to slap at the water. “My cabin,” he told the clear blue, “tonight and if you’re not there, I will hurt you.”


Then he told Elizabeth, in a whispered voice by her ear, to “join me for a drink tonight.” At her shocked looked he smiled crazily, and added, “burn the rum and you’re going over ”

So when the moon rose, and Will melted through the wall of his cabin, amused and eyebrow creased, Jack kissed him on the side of his throat and offered him a mug of rum.


“I’m not sure it’s possible for you to hurt me,” Will mused into his drink. He smiled ruefully. “Physically anyway.”

Jack swatted at him. “I could so, and don’t you dare do that weird...fucked up...water thing ” The last of his sentence came out in a rush as Will lifted one hand mockingly. “Cheating bastard,” he grumbled.

Will’s grin widened. “Pirate.”

Jack scowled. “Ass.”

A shy knock interrupted their easy (for once ) conversation, and Jack called: “enter ” before remembering his plan. Elizabeth walked in and Will started violently, shooting Jack venomous looks.

“William ” Elizabeth fairly flew across the room to embrace her husband. “Will, I’m so sorry Please, don’t leave us. He really is your son ” Almost by habit, he held her tightly, but at her last words he pushed her out to arm’s length. “He isn’t,” she amended hastily, “by blood, but he will always be yours.”

“And Jack?” Will asked, deceptively mild, “what about him?”

Jack sidled out of the way, waiting, as always, for the opportune moment to intervene. “Y-yes...I was...I had...that with him, and he is our son’s true father, but Will...I love you.”

He smiled at this, and in relief she smiled back until: “You love him too.”


Elizabeth choked on her next breath and Will forged on. “I don’t blame you, really. Who isn’t a little in love with Jack Sparrow.” (He half expected an indignant ‘Captain ’ to interrupt him, but Jack seemed content to stay silent.) “James was, I expect, and I always knew you were, …after all, Liz, there are other ways to tie a man to a post.”

Elizabeth winced at that. “Will...”

“But also you went after him,” he added softly.

“So did you,” she responded. “What does that mean for you?”

Will smiled again, sadly. “It means I lose either way.”

They both waited for Elizabeth to make the connection, and neither were surprised when she pulled back out of Will’s arms and stared in shock. “Both ways?” she screeched, her tone rising with her volume. “William Turner ” Then she whirled on Jack. “You You...both of us? ”

He flashed her a winning smile. “Pirate,” he added for good measure, beaming at Will who was rolling his eyes.

“Was you do this to spite me?” she asked incredulously, to both of them.

“It was before, Liz,” Jack answered, “long before, and shortly after.” Clearly this meant something to the both of them, but Will was left in the dark. “And I have a proposition, for the two of you.” Will’s eyes widened. “Take both,” Jack told him simply.

“I can’t.”

“You won’t,” was the response. “Who two people do you trust more? You gave her the chest, didn’t you? And here have I your key.” The smile would have been mocking on most people, but on Jack it just seemed...lustful.

Elizabeth - who had been following with a keen ear - suddenly slammed her hand into the table beside where she stood. “You gave him the key?” she said, loudly. “You gave him the key?” she spat. “He’s lusted after immortality since...since forever ”

“Him, more,” Jack commented mildly, but both Turner’s ignored him.

“I trust him,” Will said firmly, shutting Jack up effectively. “Should he ever decide he loves immortality more than...” Will trailed off, looking down, “should he decide that immortality holds more sway than our friendship, then I deserve my fate.”

“No ” Elizabeth hurled herself into his chest, holding tightly. “You’re mine ”

Will cradled her close for a moment. “I’m as yours as you are mine. And I believe we already discussed this.”

Jack quickly reached his limit. He rolled his eyes, sidestepped between Elizabeth and Will and kissed him full on the mouth. Will stood there for a moment, frozen in shock or disgust, Jack couldn’t tell, but when he kissed back with a low moan, Jack knew he’d finally won.

Elizabeth made a small noise in the back of her throat, and she staggered back to sit on the bed, watching her lover and his husband kiss avidly. When they broke apart for air - or rather, Jack did as Will didn’t breathe much unless to speak - Will whispered something Elizabeth didn’t catch. Jack responded, and Will kissed him this time, completely oblivious to her presence. When Jack’s head suddenly fell back in a long, low moan, Elizabeth couldn’t help but whimper at the desperate pleasure in his voice.

And Will’s head came up and locked eyes with her. “Well?” he rumbled, and licking her lips she stepped off the bed and towards the two men. “Do you love him, Liz?” Will whispered in her ear, though he was several inches away, and Jack didn’t seem to hear him, “tell me.” Wordlessly she nodded. Will tilted his head in approval. “And I?”

“Of course I love you,” she whispered back, and Jack finally glanced at her.

“So stay,” Will said simply, holding out a hand. She trembled when she took his hand, shaking her head ‘no’ while leaning in to kiss him. She was still kissing him when rough calloused hands slipped around her waist, startling her, though she knew the hands were Jack’s. Her long hair was moved out of the way and chapped lips kissed her neck almost delicately, the touch light.

They stood there that way for a while, Elizabeth pressed against Will, her arms around his neck, with Jack leaning lightly at her back, with Will’s hands at his hips. Their silence was tense, and Elizabeth, making a decision that she knew would change her life forever, slipped one hand around the back of Jack’s head urging him to kiss her shoulders and neck just a little harder. His hands wrapped around her waist and she found herself sandwiched between the two tightly.

Teeth grazed over her pulse point and she gasped, as cool fingers trailed over the skin of her thigh, through the fabric of her plain dress. “That’s cheating,” she said breathlessly to Will who grinned widely at the words, but it was Jack who responded: “pirate,” in her ear loud enough for the both of them to hear.

Nimbly Jack unlaced the loose stays she wore around her waist, slipping the garment off her and letting it drop on a chair. Unbound, Will’s fingers slid up to cover her breasts, and she gasped again, dropping her head onto Jack’s shoulder.

The three of them slipped off Elizabeth’s dress and Will divested Jack of his shirt and sash. Elizabeth watched as they kissed for a moment before sliding up behind Jack and reaching around to unbutton his breeches. She thought she heard Jack whisper ‘no cheating’ but the sound was lost in the two mens kissing.

In the next blink Jack was as naked as Elizabeth, and when the two of them rounded on Will, he shrugged and his clothing shimmered away, leaving him just as naked as the others. “Sorry,” he said when Jack looked disappointed. “Clothing is a little overrated when you spend most of your time under the water.”

Elizabeth kissed him to shut him up, wrapping one leg around him for balance. Warm fingers found her center, dancing over the slick flesh with an unsurprising amount of skill. By the way Will twitched his hips she could tell that Jack’s other hand was on him as well, so when Will slid into her, slowly, painstakingly, she was almost shocked.

Together they tumbled onto the bed with Will rising above her, not moving, only panting with air he didn’t actually need. Writhing up, Elizabeth opened her mouth to beg for him to move only to see Jack sliding into Will from behind. When Will jerked she arched, and quickly the three of them found an easy rhythm that kept her on the edge of orgasm but never hard enough to throw her over.

Her pleasure climbed almost unbearably, until Jack changed the angle of his thrusts and Will jerked violently. Elizabeth cried out, her fingers scrabbling against the soft sheets, her breath coming out in sharp pants. The same warm fingers from before slid around Will’s hips to hers and just ever so lightly stroked at the apex of her thighs. Elizabeth cried out again, coming hard and fast against Will who followed her over the edge. Jack didn’t last much longer than that, and the three of them flopped into the bed, Will curled in the middle to sleep.


Elizabeth opened her eyes, noticing that it was still very dark outside. She turned her head slightly to gaze at her husband, meeting Jack’s almost black eyes over Will’s shoulder. She licked her suddenly dry lips. “You lied to me,” she told him quietly. He blinked at her. “You love him too.”

He smirked. “So do you.”

“I’m supposed to,” she told him, grinning when he looked marginally surprised. “But you...” her grin grew wider. “How long ago did you fall for him, Jack?” His eyes were angry but she didn’t let up. “You might as well tell me,” she said amused.

“Long enough to know it,” he growled under his breath, “before death.”

Without missing a beat, she asked, “his or yours?”

“Both,” he said. “But it wasn’t the reason I saved his life.”

William rolled over into Jack’s arms. “Shut up,” he grumbled against warm skin. “If you want to discuss me then at least wait until I’ve left.”

A pause, and then Elizabeth slid up to drape herself over his back. “Sorry darling,” she told him and he grunted. William listened to her breathing even out and took an unneeded breath of his own.

He flicked his eyes up to Jack’s face. “Love you too,” he murmured in Jack’s ear, knowing he was awake by the sound of his heart beat.

He was half asleep again when he felt Jack press a kiss to the top of his head.


When Elizabeth woke, both of her lovers were gone, and Jack stood at the helm of the small sloop with ‘Liam. Her son held a sextant carefully, gazing at it as though it was going to bite him. Jack proceeded to explain to him how to use it and when he stepped away and gestured, ‘Liam stood up straight, and turned the dials nearly expertly before pointing due east.

Jack grinned widely and nodded to the helmsman who adjusted the wheel appropriately. When ‘Liam handed back the instrument, Jack shook his head and closed the boy’s much smaller hands around it. “Yours, son,” Jack said, his voice light and kind. “You can use it a damn sight better than I can.”

“Language,” Elizabeth said over the wind, laughing at the look of surprise that her son gave her.

“But mama,” he whined, “I’m a pirate now, see?” He held up the sextant triumphantly.

Elizabeth laughed. “Sorry, sweetheart, but having a sextant doesn’t make you pirate.”

‘Liam shook his head very seriously. “Having papa as a papa does.” Jack jerked a little but Elizabeth didn’t mention it.

“That’s right, ‘Liam. You are your father’s son,” she agreed, though she was looking at Jack when she said it. “Jack, how close are we to The Pearl?”

“Close,” he answered, gazing out east. “Will is readying his crew.”

She followed his gaze, straining her eyes to see. “Can you see her?”

Jack glanced at her, his expression wry. “Not that close.”

The Revenge seemed to gain speed by the minute, and just vaguely in the water below them, Elizabeth could see the Dutchman carrying them along. The water rippled and Will appeared out of nowhere. “I’m sorry Jack,” he murmured quietly, and the pirate’s face blanched.

“What is it? What is wrong with my Pearl?” he demanded, panic seeping into his voice.

“She was sunk,” Will said without preamble. “Just there,” he pointed to a dark line on the horizon. “There was a storm, and rocks...the crew survived...all but one.” Dark eyes lit knowingly. “Barbossa has passed, Jack.”

Jack stared out to sea, a muscle in his jaw jumping. “Can you save her?”

“I don’t know,” Will answered honestly. “I can try.”

“When?” Jack asked hoarsely. “When?”

“Days ago. I’ve...ah...been preoccupied, and I hadn’t noticed the single death.” Will placed a comforting hand on Jack’s arm. “I’m sorry,” he whispered again.

Jack nodded once. “Thanks, but that’s not worth much.”

The captain of the Dutchman grimaced. “We’ll reach the rock outcropping at noon tomorrow,” he said in lieu of a bitter response. “Until then, I shall stay on my own ship, if it so pleases you.”

Jack caught his hand right before he returned to the water. “Stay tonight,” he said softly. “With Liz and I.”

Will smiled slowly. “If you wish it.”


That night the three of them fell to the bed, without pleasantries. By unspoken agreement, both Elizabeth and William immediately divested Jack of his clothing first, distracting him with lips, tongue and skillful fingers.

Finally, Jack lost the angry frown that marred his features and his eyes glazed over with impending orgasm.

Together the three of them lost themselves in the passion that each had been too afraid to admit to themselves before. In the cool darkness that remained, Will leaned over Elizabeth’s sleeping form to kiss Jack lightly on the lips, a little surprised when he returned it. “Love you,” Jack murmured.

Will blinked, then smiled. “Love you too,” he whispered back.

Elizabeth grumbled at them both and Will shimmered away to deal with the happenings under the water. There was a lot of work to be done before noon.


When Jack woke, it was very late, he found Elizabeth was still curled into his side.
Shouting from the deck drew his attention quickly and he tugged on his breeches and threw his shirt on, calling Elizabeth’s name. He opened the door in time to catch ‘Liam’s hurtling form. “Uncle Jack It’s The Pearl ” he shouted, yanking on Jack’s wrist. “You have to see this ”

Together, father and son ran up the steps and onto the sun washed deck. There, just in front of them was the intact Black Pearl, in all her glory. She bobbed in the waves, her ropes and sails dry, the black cherry wood gleaming with oil. Leaning against the mainsail mast was a shirtless William. “Hello Captain Sparrow,” he called back formally. “Welcome to the Black Pearl She’s in fine shape, don’t you agree?”

Jack whooped, and ‘Liam waved happily at his father. “Papa Papa, you did it ”

In a blink, Will joined them on deck, smiling at Elizabeth as she made her sleepy way up the stairs. “She’s all yours, Jack,” he said, and the pirate captain crushed William to him in a hug.

“Thanks, luv,” Jack said softly, his fingers trembling against Will’s hips. “Thank you.”

Will nodded against the side of his head. “No worries, mate,” he said teasingly. “I have two more things to do,” he told his friend. “The first is this,” he untangled himself from Jack and kissed Elizabeth deeply. “I love you,” he told her.

“I love you too, Will,” she said, suddenly very worried.

“And the second...” Will said wickedly, “is this.” He pulled Jack into his arms and kissed him too. “I’ve made my choice,” he told them for their ears only. “Both is better than none.”

He pulled away and knelt down at ‘Liam’s side. ‘Liams brown eyes were wide with shock, and Will hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry,” he told his son, “I’m sure you’ll understand when you’re older, but I must go now.”

“No, Will...” Elizabeth whispered.

“I must, Liz,” Will said, smiling sadly.

Elizabeth shook her head, the wind blowing her hair into her face. “But I waited ”

“Yes, you waited,” Will said, dropping a hand onto ‘Liam’s shoulder. “But there is always next time.”

It was Jack who stood by her side. “The Dutchman,” he said slowly, “must always have a captain.”

William nodded once, twice and was gone. ‘Liam blinked and turned to his mother. “Does this mean I have two fathers?”


Ten Years Later


“Father ” twenty year old ‘Liam called as Will - who was still the same age as ever - appeared just inside the inlet of the bay by Nice. “Father’s home ” he shouted up to the two people on the veranda.

Elizabeth turned to her companion. “Shall we?” she asked gallantly.

Jack grinned. “After you, fair maiden.” Together they raced down the slope, neither as young as they were, but both happy to see William all the same.

Elizabeth reached him first, knocking them both into the water so she could kiss him happily. Jack waited more or less patiently for his turn then joined the other two in the water for a kiss. ‘Liam rolled his eyes. “Uncle Jack, Mother,’re beginning to get embarrassing.”

The three of them hauled each other to their feet. Water swirled around their ankles in frothy laughter and William glanced down. “Yes,” he told the sea, “now would be a good time.”

Mystical laughter tinkled along their ears and Will grimaced in sudden pain as his heart, which had been long dead, began to beat again. He drew in his first needed breath in twenty years and smiled. “I had a long talk with Calypso after our last adventure,” he explained to their astounded expressions. “She decided that I’d served long enough without love.” He raised an amused eyebrow. “Two people waiting for one man was enough to break the curse. The Dutchman is no more.”

Elizabeth shrieked and leapt into Will’s embrace again, followed shortly by Jack and ‘Liam. All talking over each other, the three family members dragged Will up the slope and towards the cottage.

Before following them inside to dinner, Will turned and took one last look out to the ocean. A flash of green light illuminated the horizon. He smiled and closed the door firmly behind him.

The End

fandom: pirates of the caribbean, character: jack sparrow, story: something like seduction, pairing: will/elizabeth, character: james norrington, pairing: jack/elizabeth, character: elizabeth swann, pairing: jack/elizabeth/will, character: william turner, pairing: jack/will

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