FIC: ripples in the river of time [notes]

Jun 05, 2012 14:48

| Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |


Notes and Thank You’s 

When this story first started out, it was nothing more than a desire to see Dean and Sam in the Firefly ‘verse. I read all the crossovers I could find that starred Dean and Sam there and didn’t find much, and they always say if you want to read something and it’s not there, write it yourself. But then I hit this really huge bout of writer’s block. (That might have had something to do with the copious amounts of Dr. Who I was watching and therefore reading coinciding fic...) As my vacation approached and Puerto Rico and Jamaica loomed on the horizon, I realized I had art due for the two big bangs I did not write in, and the due dates all fell within the 10 day stretch of time that I’d be speaking Spanish and without internet.

It made me realize I really had to check the rough draft due dates for the sncross_bigbang and thespn_j2_bigbang. It was March 7th when I did that. I realized that the rough draft due date was April 17th and most of that I would be gone for. Cue this reaction: “OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT”.

So I sat down and wrote out a plot line, and realized that Mark Sheppard (who plays Crowley and Badger) is kind of the TV show slut - as he’s in everything - and thought maybe they could continue to be the same person. From there, boom, the first 10,000 words got written in three days.

Now, on Castiel and Crowley, who became surprisingly important characters when they weren’t written that way originally. Up until late season six, Crowley seemed like a pretty sympathetic character, affably evil, you’d say. (My boyfriend is obsessed with TV Tropes.) Castiel, again, previous to season six, was a good guy. I elevated the time line a bit, considering Gabriel/Loki screwed up everything for them. My second favorite OTP is Sam/Castiel and sometimes that bleeds through.

Also, I’m kind of fond of Bobby/Crowley. :D

Special thanks to selecasharp”selecasharp”, who listened to my flails and freak outs via chat programs at weird o’clocks on the weekends.  Also for the beta and everything else ever. ILU.

”blackcathollow”blackcathollow, who kept trying to get me to write more stuff - even when I was writing a thousand things. :P

My boyfriend, who refused to even talk to me if I told him I had to hit a limit to writing. And listening as I talked about various fandom things that he doesn’t care about.

”thebunnybag” thebunnybag who writes with me. Bam!

And of course iamaslashaddict for the fabulous and amazing art that was finished SO FREAKIN' QUICKLY SERIOUSLY HOW DID YOU DO IT? I love it, and them and you.  <3 Thanks for being amazing.

And of course, to the people who are running this! :D

Chinese Dictionary:

[1] bootai jung-tzahng duh - not entirely sane
[2] fahng-sheen - don’t worry
[3] dong ma? - understood/are we clear?
[4] wuh de ma - mother of god
[5] gwan nee tzi-jee duh shr - mind your own business
[6] bizui - shut up
[7] mei mei - little sister
[8] go tsao de - dog humping
[9] gwai gwai long duh dong - what the hell!
[10] bun tyen-shung duh ee-dway-ro - stupid inbred sack of meat
[11] dahng ran - of course
[12] ya bun duh - stupid
[13] tyen tsai - genius
[14] tzuh muh luh - what’s going on?
[15] hoo-tsuh - “shut up!” like “get out!”
[16] jing tsai - brilliant!
[17] gwai - hell
[18] liuo mahng - son of a bitch

pairing: sam/dean, character: dean winchester, crossover, fandom: firefly, story: ripples in the river of time, character: crowley, character: castiel, character: sam winchester

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