Yesterday I went to see Jamie T at the Barrowlands. Natalie text me asking if I wanted to go, and I usually would have said no. But I thought fuck it, live a little and said okay! It was excellent. I was crushed, Natalie fell over and had about 5 guys land on top of her, I was ridiculously sweaty and my hair was an absolute state by the end of it all. Top night.
I stayed at Marks, had the worst sleep ever, woke up and got the 8:15 train home looking (and probably smelling) like a homeless person. Sexy.
Right now every single muscle in my body is in agony. It's the sort of pain that confirms how good a night was had. Haha.
Later on tonight I'm going to see Avatar in 3D with my brother and tomorrow we're all going out to Xscape for Debbies 20th. Good times.
I have a double shift this Saturday, no idea how mind, body and spirit will cope with 15 hours of work but we shall see!
I seem to have lost my credit card bill, does anyone know if I can go into the bank and ask them to send me out another one? Must. Destroy. Credit. Card. Worst idea I've ever had.
Love love.
p.s Jamie T pics can be seen here: