Got a new layout, from
milou_veronica . I'm not entirely sure about it. The brightness is a little abrasive, and it doesn't really suit my journal name.* But I like it, and It jumped out at me because it matches the lovely new icon
hermette made me. (You all know hermette, right? You should, she's delicious. ♥ )
Perhaps if I concentrate reallly hard and find the part of my brain that understands techy stuff, I can tweak it a little. I dunno.
* Wearing Red Shoes, btw, is a reference to the film Chocolat. Vianne wears red shoes, as well as being "different" in lots of other ways, and the townsfolk don't like or accept her. Her daughter gets teased and while upset she yells at Vianne "why can't you wear black shoes like all the others?"