Lift you up and fly away with you...

Jun 08, 2010 13:18

An exchange on twitter yesterday reminded me of my youthful adoration of Savage Garden (oh hey, another band I loved that broke up after a short career! :-/ )

The song we were quoting was I Want You, so I went youtubing for it. I realised I'd never seen the video, which is so weirdly bad... seriously, what is going on here?

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LOL. Love the song, anyway.

Nostalgia ahead!

In my last year of drama college I was part of a play on youth suicide. We toured high schools and did a short season in the Drama Studio at the Opera House. I was stage manager, lighting designer, set designer (allow me a moment to boast - director actually hired a set designer, but decided she liked my design better. win! ahem.), and co-writer along with everyone else.

Savage Garden's Affirmation was our soundtrack, basically, and we all knew all of the songs back to front by the end of the run. Our main theme song, for want of a better word, was Crash and Burn, which thankfully has a much better video:

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They were a strange little band, but I loved their stuff. I really should look up Darren Hayes' solo stuff.

ETA - oh yes, there is fanfiction. And has been since 1997 when their first album was released. And get this - at first, there was a fanfiction community on the message boards hosted by Sony music and then Darren himself. 0_o After a while too many people posted X-rated slash and he banned fanfiction from all official affiliated websites. AS YOU DO.

music, savage garden, drama drama drama, videos

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