Title: Cliques
Prompt: Cliques
Rating: G... I think...
Word Count: 160
A/N: wrote on a bus today and haven't edited at all ^^, - and I really couldn't think of a better title
It was cliques, Sam realized as Brooke held her closer, murmured in her ear - sweet nothings of how important she was to her, and how soft her hair was - that were going to keep them apart, in the end. They'd been over this routine time and time again - Brooke coming to her because she couldn't not, and then leaving when she realized she couldn't, after all, and it was all the fault of high school standing and Brooke's desire to be so damn perfect. But Sam knew she couldn't always be perfect for everyone, and Brooke wouldn't listen. And then they were both in love with Harrison, so it stopped all together.
But after the accident and Brooke woke up, Sam wheeled her in her chair over to a different table in the cafeteria, and they made their own clique. Because Brooke could be perfect for Sam, and really, that was all that mattered in the end.